Ah... a break from my ongoing and never challenges of bad marriage to talk more of *she who must run away* from home!
Ah yes... a few weeks of that angst on top of everything else was cause for alcohol... which I figured I needed to avoid because of weight loss and the general feeling of not feeling quite in control. A glass of wine maybe.... but not even full... sigh.
Trying to get information out of *she who had to run away* was painful. Shouting and screaming matches, name calling and more. Her to me. All the while her father, the spousal unit, would never come to my defense would not even once get himself in front of her and tell her to stop with the disrespect. I suspect the amount of alcohol he was drinking dulled his senses and didn't allow for any kind of clear headed thinking.
To that end - I got in his face one evening and told him that his lack of support for the office of motherhood was not impressive. That his tacit nod in allowing the eldest to be rude and disrespectful, was starting to rub off on Tweeny, her sister.
In the end, several of the men who are my friends and family managed to dissuade said Teen from going to work in the rough and tumble world of the meat packing plant. She used a credit card, given to her by the Royal Bank of Canada those carpeting bagging, money grubbing, typical greedy, profit motivated bankers, to buy herself a plane ticket west. Did I mention no job and about $250 in the bank, if that? By the time THAT debt is paid off guaranteed the $300 ticket will have cost double!
And she and her friend, the one who sleeps at home with the lights on when ever mom is out... which would be EVERY night of the week - fly out. Two days later I got a phone call at home. "Mom, I need
$600.00!!! Once I am done spewing my wine, I ask why. Turns out the place they were supposed to stay was not interested in having her friend around. She truly has no social graces... no surprise. So I ask about a Plan B. Apparently there isn't one. I tell her I can't give her $600! That she needs to call relatives or friends and figure it out. She says she doesn't know how to ask for help to stay a few days. Well then says I, you're gonna learn aren't you because I can't give you that much money. Talk about the toughest thing I had ever had to do for my child.
But... I did make a few calls in case her pride held her back, and she ended up at my cousin's house. Cuz was heading out on a trip and needed babysitters. I am hoping my child acted responsibly... but who knows. Said Cuz has access to the blog and may fill me in down the road.. Please do.
Cuz in law bought the girls construction boots. I told the eldest... BEFORE she does ANYTHING with her cash... she and the friend MUST pay back the cousin. That was NOT part of the deal at all.
Interestingly, the eldest has been chatting politely to me via phone, email and text messages . Much nicer tone since she left. No kidding eh!
As she left, her father, didn't/couldn't even tell her he loved her. I shake my head.