Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wife Warrior on the Road

I arrived home after a week away to "Oh! You're home already? I thought you weren't coming back until Sunday." This, I have learned from experience, is code for " You're not gonna be happy. The kitchen is a freakin' mess because rather than tidy up every day, I leave things as if I lived in a pig sty." Sure 'nuff.... dirty dishes, beer cans, glasses, newspapers piled up, and the mail not sorted... all over the kitchen. sigh.

This is how he chose to live with Tweeny this week. Why, why, why doesn't he get it?! I had loaded the dishwasher before I left, turned it on, looked them BOTH in the eye and said, make sure you empty this so that it can be loaded up again during the week. ......whatever!

Highlights from my trip? Austrian Air is efficient. 300 people getting meals and drink in ten minues and everyone pretty much getting their choice. In seat entertainment units. Three movies coming home.

The cockpit video cam meant we watched the plane land and take off with the pilot's view. OR we could see the geography below once the plane was low enough. Way cool!

Sleeping overnight on the way to Austria...Window seats work better than aisle seats! Not a lotta luck sleeping in an aisle seat!

My luggage was lost and I spent my first 24 hours in Vienna without clean clothes or liquids, powders or pastes - a tad annoying. But how long can you be annoyed when you're walking in a historic city, soaking up atmosphere, sight seeing, and drinking amazing BEvERages. Suitcase arrived half an hour before the start of meetings!

Sacher torte... the original. Died and gone to heaven. Even brought some home.

Work went well. Meetings productive.

Spouse and Tweeny survived without me. I used to travel a lot so this is not difficult for either of them. I wish though that spouse was more of a disciplinarian when I am gone. It is more than annoying that he lives like a slob when I am gone. It doesn't teach the children a thing. He took her for a hair cut. They made lunches together but THE MESS!

Oh and did he ask me how things went on the trip?


Anonymous said...

lovely. just lovely.

WTF is wrong with that man?

At least Tweeny was still alive when you got back, so thats good, yes?

Sounds like your trip was quite nice. Happy to have you back, sweetie.

love ya,

MarieA said...

hey Skup! Thanks for stopping by. I keep telling others to post... but they must be shy!
What's the matter with him? Beats me. It's why my house is still not done, why HE won't go for the big separation, why nothing changes around here... and why I need to be the one to make any move on any deal around here.

Tweeny is fine. Dad paid for a haircut, hair dye, and a money for a fair in a town not too far off from here.