Friday, June 29, 2007

We are On the Programme.

And Feeling a Bit of Relief!

We went to the Heart Institute today and saw the cardiologist in the Heart Function Clinic, his resident and the nurse, who will no doubt be my new best friend He is knowledgeable, confident, and what Rebel was presenting is not anything he hasn't seen before. This is a good start.

After reviewing her file and going through her history, he is cautiously confident that Rebel could make a good recovery. She has to be pretty strict about some things in the short term - the next 6-9 months or so, and after that he will see how things are going.

His main concern was that we are not really sure when all this actually started. So he isn't sure how soon we caught the condition. However, if Rebel does as she is supposed to, we can hope things will go well. Shes has her plan, she knows what she has to do and I hope the follow through will be positive.
Next tests in four weeks: one at the nuclear cardiology clinic for pictures of the heart, and another ultrasound. So... we are now on a programme and I am feeling some relief.

I have decided to go to Ukrainian camp for the week. Refer to pic in my Wednesday post. I think someone else may have my kitchen job but I will no doubt find myself in the kitchen during the week, and probably sitting by the lake a lot of the time reading.

Rebel is thinking about coming with me for a few days. Depends on the new beau of hers I expect. TweenyRebel will be there for the week, so I expect it will be a good week. Keep the prayers and good thoughts coming. It is all helping and working for us. And it so appreciated.

I asked the Spousal Unit to drive today. I was worried I might have a panic attack on the way there and told him I would prefer we took my car (AC doesn't work in his) and that he drive. He was not really prepared to go but for a change went along with what I needed. We arrived home and the mail man was just coming up the drive. I took the sole letter from the carrier... yet another missive from his Counsel. Unfortunately, I couldn't open this one as he was right there in the house so I wasn't able to see what the latest news was on that front. Probably an invoice for services rendered. WhatEvEr! I have other priorities at the moment and could care less about the other.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

While We Wait.

It would seem life is kind of in a waiting pattern until we get to the Heart Institute Friday and see what they tell us. In the mean time, I have had Trish Wall at the house twice, and I also intend to have a nutritionist acquaintance who is also a naturopath spend some time with me and Rebel to learn some new food habits cooking techniques. She is a bit on the left side of wacko, but she is extremely knowledgeable about vitamins, minerals, nutrition, food combinations, and other good stuff. I think Rebel might think I've gone off the deep end but my thinking is why try and figure this out myself when I have this network of people I know who are experts. We can take what she tells us and modify it. She is a bit on the woo hoo side like Trish, but interestingly they are both saying the same things about Rebel's energy - she is positive, has a good outlook.

Spousal Unit doesn't say much but he has gone for groceries and come home with some good stuff for her. He has always been the label reader.
He still hasn't met the new beau, which I find rather pathetic. My thinking is that SU is doing his passive aggressive thing with his daughter and this fellow. He worries when Rebel isn't coming in by her new curfew time and rather than meet the fellow, he has retreated. It's bizarre. Again, not my problem. Who knows what Rebel has told him about the two of us. Given his parents are divorced, he might be able to help her out on this front.

TweenyRebel is finishing school today. There is the over-the-top "school finishing ceremony" where all the little tweenies are wearing pretty dresses and heels they can barely walk in. We had a helluva time agreeing on shoes. The kid looks like a bird on stilts on a good day with her looooooong skinny legs. Add CFM shoes to that... and it's not a good look. I had to seriously say NO to all the shoes...It seemed the higher the heel, the trashier they look, the more they looked like ho-shoes, the likelier she was desperate for them. We settled on a bit too high wedge heel - with this ridiculous rhinestone babyphat logo on the top. $100 later... sigh... and she's only finishing Grade 8! She loves them.

I asked the SU if he was leaving work early to attend the Grade 8 Ceremony.
He did have to think about it before he thought he would make it.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A New State of Affairs

Hey SU!
Wake UP, It's a Whole NEW Ball Game!

We've had mostly a quiet weekend around here. Trying to get into a new state of affairs. The spousal unit is STILL planning his departure to visit his family out east. He'll be taking the TweenyRebel with him. This is good. It will keep her occupied. Might help change the aura in the house too. I am thinking of having my priest come and do some woo hoo stuff to get the house cleared of bad karma.

It's got to help.

I am still off work. I went to see my doc on Friday - I've started having small panic attacks and he gave me a prescription for ativan - very small amount for a emergency use only.... and I am to be reassessed in two weeks. I am using deep breathing techniques and meditations to get through them, and I know it's in my head... so I am working through this. Given all the crap going on here.. no small wonder.

Rebel is now going through some anger and denial stuff we think. She has a new guy in her life, and I am just not quite sure about him. He shakes hands like a girl, and he doesn't really talk to me. I don't like that in a lad. The Spouse hasn't even bothered being around to meet the guy. Up he goes to his hidey hole and his presence is not being felt. Rebel needs this presence whether she cares or not.

Dad needs to do his macho thing and ensures this lad knows that neither Rebel nor us are to be played with. He kept Rebel out far too late two nights in a row and does not seem to *get* her condition. No doubt Rebel isn't saying much even thought this lad did visit her in the hospital. And of course... she thinks I am *controlling* and *babying* her. Perhaps I am. The reality though is if she doesn't follow her new regime, she is going to land herself back in the hospital.

I am not going to get too worried or excited as yet. She "loves them & leaves them" with a great regularity. This one.... is a little different thought. He will bear watching.

I don't know if spouse has been told that I put separation matters on hold. AS IF I have time or inclination to deal with that right now. As I mentioned in the 13 this week, I did see a letter from his suit indicating what my intentions were a month ago.

It's a whole new ball game now, and things have changed. I hope he has some brains in his head to recognize this factor.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

13 on Thursday

Thirteen things the spousal unit has said to me in the last week.

1. Where's the RebelTween? She didn't say where she was going. - to being asked if the kidlet had gone out.
2. Well, am I supposed to pay for this too? - on being handed Rebel's prescription for heart med when the local pharmacy didn't have the pills and I was tired and didn't want to go out a second time.
3. yes - to - are you getting groceries?
4. no -to did my dad call?
5. I will call him later... - on being told his brother called and wanted a call back about vacation plans. No call returned.
6. I will talk to her. On Rebel Tween missing curfew yet again.
7. any mail for me? - On waiting for letter from his lawyer... I found it... and read it before saying... mail? I haven't checked yet today.
8. When is dryer going to be fixed?
9. Why haven't you called to deal with the phone jack problem? AS IF!
10. I would appreciate it if you didn't put the new glasses in the dishwasher. They should be washed by hand. See my response at
11. When does the Rebel go to the cardiologist specialist?
12. Do you want any steak?
13. Could you put some money into the line of credit so I can fix my car? - again.. see my response... #9.

A New Normal

7:16am Today

Rebel seems to be adjusting. She doesn't like it, but she gets it. Water retention is playing havoc with the wardrobe choices and is very frustrating. We'll figure this out.

Meals continue to be an issue. Because her body isn't pumping very well, digestion doesn't always work the way it is supposed to. She worries about eating after 6 PM as it seems the upchuck factor seems to increase. So.. smaller meals - the *big* meal at lunch time rather than dinner, and she doesn't want to eat much or snack much in the evenings.

Might also have to do with upchucking around the *boys* in her life. (another whole note entry...but ... as the mother... I can't go there!) I tell her vomiting in front of boys who manage... equals true love. She in turn, rolls her eyes.

We are starting on the path to the new normal.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Rebel has been sprung from the hospital and is at home. Visiting hours will end for EVERY BODEE!! and I mean every body by 10 PM in the evenings. Same with the phone calls. Rebel may be home... but it's not quite business as usual.

I am grateful for drug plans even more now that Rebel is on a beta blocker, a heart and blood pressure pill and a diuretic... at a cost of $200 for a two month supply. We have two plans so all will be returned to us.

I had to go out and by a scale so Rebel can weigh herself every morning. I have never had one in the house so it was a new shopping experience. Do I go digital or analog. Digital required batteries... so.. no.

The appointment at the Heart Institute isn't until June 29th . The cardiologist felt they had stabilized her and she was okay for now. She'll be at the Heart Function Clinic. I have tried reading the information on the web site, but... it's rather overwhelming. I could do a ton of research, or have my friends the medical librarians provide me with info too.... but... not yet.

Rebel and I also have to figure out how we are going to find food she likes that has no fast food qualities about it. Yesterday's chicken divan was the first test... low sodium canned soup and seriously low fat low sodium mayonnaise...not quite the right texture, but it seemed okay.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Prayer and Mediums.

I had a phone call from my cousin in Alberta yesterday. We've come to know each other as adults, have shared our life experiences and she knows the Rebel quite well. Cuz told me some really freaky, and *out there* things last night while I was at the hospital visiting Rebel. The Spouse of course, scoffed it all off. He would. He must. he refuses to try and find a truth that doesn't reflect what he believes could be possible.

She has been studying spiritual awakening type stuff... clairvoyance type things- in a church - meditating, and learning how to cope and use this gift. From what she said it is something you have and the discernment of you handle this gift must be taught in the right surroundings, with the right people as the one with the gifts can be hurt or can administer hurt. She is training herself in the art of healing. Of course, upon learning about our Rebel she started putting training into practice. And this is where things make me get the shivers.

It would seem that the prayer circles I have invoked are very loudly and clearly being heard beyond our scope. They do make a difference. If one believes in these sorts of things or not, it would seem that creating a focused message and prayers and thoughts send an energy force.

Cuz is still in training so to speak, but she clearly felt and saw the presence of my grandparents and mother while she was focusing her meditations of healing on Rebel and learning how to practice her gift. My mother spoke to Anna very clearly - *in my face as only Auntie M can* Cuz described. I know exactly what she means. Mom told her to tell me that she and her parents were with me... watching and looking out for us. This unnerved me completely, yet... it was reassuring.

Prayers work.
In ways we can't fathom.
They work.

Prayer, spirituality, and the sound of people sending their thoughts in a specific direction makes a difference. I believe it. Whether one can truly communicate with those who've passed, well... many religions speak against it, including my own. However Cuz has some kind of gift, (or curse) and by sharing what she believes with me, is one more positive power that may make the difference in how I too need to keep my faith positive and my prayers powerful. This is not a gift that one takes lightly. If my mom and grandparents are watching over us and can help us help the Rebel, than thanks be to the Lord for this terrifying gift that Cuz has to share.

Sick of Being Sick and in the Hospital

5:13am Today:

If you know Rebel you know she doesn't handle confinement very well. Being constantly out of breath and having to sloooooooooow down has been a challenge.

Being attached to a heart monitor - even a portable one on radio signals - is no fun. The IV in her hand... a pain. BOTH were removed yesterday and were cause for celebration.

It's the small things.

Hospital food - major turn off. Junk food and most fast foods - NOT allowed so as the mom, I am looking for food she likes to eat. It's not easy. I still don't understand how my kids became such picky eaters Her dad and I are NOT!

Her cardiologist is saying that she will probably be an outpatient at the Heart Institute rather than having to stay there. This is making her happy. I believe we'll know when we have our appointment with the specialist there today - Tuesday or Wednesday.

Rebel is enjoying the phone calls and visits. Keep them coming. Keep them on a positive note. Drama is not her best interest right now as she isn't going to be the "fixer," now that she has to be "fixed!"

Monday, June 18, 2007

Praying and Waiting.

The spousal unit finally informed his family on Sunday about our Rebel. Both girls also gave him cards they made for Father's day. I asked him about the card made by RebelTween but he didn't show it to me. what ever. He left this morning without even asking me how or what we would do about the expected move of Rebel to the heart institute. I guess I really can't worry about it, but when he crashes.... I am expecting it to be spectacular. He has no one to lean on from what I can see. I don't think he is in denial, but his internalizing this stuff... can't be good for his own well being. And I am not going to get into it with him.

The following are the entries I wrote on another site for my daughter's friends.

As far as I know here are the circles and networks sending prayers, positive vibes and energy for Rebel. . Thanks to them all. Please remember not just the Rebel , but the health care professionals who are making serious decisions about her care. These dedicated, hard working people are making a difference. I want them to be making the right decisions.

My friend's husband's family prayer network in southern Ontario
Another friend included Rebel in the weekly prayer for healing called the Mi-sheberakh on Saturday at her synagogue.
Then there are the cousins in Calgary - along with her Bible Study Group,and the rest of the family.
There are the high school girls in Winnipeg and family there too.
And I can't forget my dear friend Blondie in the middle of the desert -she has her Prayer Warriors.. ( I love that!) on the "case"
And of course, my own "Ukrainian church ladies."
And Rudy calling on his community to remember and pray all the waaaaaaay up north...
I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. The power of positive thought, of belief in a force bigger than life has got to be for the good.

Monday's note.
UP and down is what they said Rebel would feel - and indeed that was the weekend. Saturday was a day spent sleeping. She had a few palpitations that made her heart pound for a few seconds, but she says she knows what to do when that happens. More blood tests and blood pressure monitoring meant that taking off her heart monitor to take a shower were quashed. Not that she could manage the effort for it anyway.
Sunday - was a whole new day. Shower taken late in the after noon. Hair was fluffed up. Food eaten and a craving for fried rice was indulged. The DVD player dropped off by the boyfriend seemed to be heavily used on Sunday. The priest from our church paid her a visit as did a few of my friends. The phone calls seemed to be endless. All good.

The nurses found a bag of dollar store craft stuff and paper so Rebel spent an hour or so creating a Father's Day card for her dad. It was cute what she managed to create out of almost nothing.

We are waiting on Monday to learn when Rebel is being transferred to the heart institute.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Annus Horribilis

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. I have read about the power of prayer circles and how effective they can be. I never thought I would be the one to have to test it out. sigh...
What was it the Queen called it? Annus Horribilis? yeah... one of those...

Rebel has an enlarged heart that is not pumping well. Old people's heard condition. Not something seen often in a young woman of 19 years. The cardiologist figure it must have been brought on by a virus and who knows how long ago. Some people will get a cold, and Rebel was unlucky to get a serious attack of the heart. We are hearing everything from regeneration of the muscle and recovery to heart transplant. Not sure where things will go so far. She is doing all right and has an amazingly positive spirit.

The spousal part is being set aside as I deal with this latest in our lives. The spousal unit has been, as expected, keeping things close to his chest. So much so... he has not even talked to his own family. My entire network everywhere is being mobilized. He didn't even call his sister. So I did so in covert mode and have even spoken with the favourite aunt who has been in the know for some time. These things happen for a reason. I don't know what it is yet... but I do know, that this man, won't even help pull the family together in this time of need. He can't; he doesn't know how.

I feel sorry for him.
He needs prayers as well.
I do not understand this at all.

Not at all.


Additional update info:

9:25am Thursday, Jun 14
Thanks for the notes on the wall and the messages.
Rebel has a serious heart problem. Her heart is not pumping blood the way it should. Most hearts pump blood at a 60% capacity, and Rebel's is only pumping at 15%. This isn't really good. The docs don't know what caused it. Their best guess is a random viral infection that she probably didn't even know she had that instead of giving her a cold, got into the muscles of her heart and the lining around it causing her heart to enlarge.
She is at the Hospital. She has a phone . She is allowed visitors... only two at a time. She is in the new wing of the hospital... in a semi private room.
Rebel will be seeing the wonderful specialists at the Heart Institute.
She is comfortable - no pain.. They have her on a regime of drug therapies and we shall see how it goes.
Please keep Rebel in your thoughts and prayers. She has a looooooooog road to go.

8:10am June 15
Rebel has a very positive attitude and is doing everything she is told to do.
She has this needle shunt stuck in her hand that the nurses use to inject meds once a day. The thing is driving her crazy. I think she asks every nurse and doctor who comes by if it can be removed. They kind of look at her and say ....whatever..

The meds seems to be helping already. Rebel is breathing a whole lot easier. Her heart is not pounding rapidly either. She is noticing the changes. Anytime there is a change in her heart rhythm though the blood pressure cuff is on her. 21 century medicine is a good place to be. She is monitored by the Intensive Care Station heart monitors but is not in the ICU. She is on a device that works with radio monitoring. If you have a cell phone - it has be turned off when you're visiting cuz the phone throws the device off kilter.

With this small improvement, Rebel has found even hospital food tasting good. Getting her appetite back seems to be the biggest thing for Rebel. Never mind her friends who are bringing her fast food. (ahem... the nutritionist is not impressed!) Though those will be few and far between now. Reading labels and sodium and fat content on labels and in restaurants is her new reality.

The Heart Institute is expecting to see Rebel on Monday. She will be spending the weekend at the hospital

Please continue
to remember Rebel
and her family in your prayers.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pray for Miss Rebel

For where two or three are gathered together
in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20

Thy Will Be Done.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


As I said in my little comment to Blondie yesterday... what else???
I am off for another round of tests with the Rebel, and hanging around waiting for doctors today so we can figure out what the deal will be.

And the idiot who is the father of this child..... I will only give him half a point for calming he down sufficiently when I called him to say she had to go the hospital and for telling me what he knows about her medical condition. BUT! Did he go visit her? Did he even think to go say hello?

NOT at all.

I can't even BEGIN to think what might be in his head. How does a Dad not go , give his daughter a hug, tell her he loves her at the very least. Or see for himself that she is okay?? NOTHING. This time, I didn't even bother to mention it.

Saving it up. Saving it ALL up.

Last year, right around this time, when I had a fainting spell and ended up with a concussion at the hospital for observation, there was no spousal unit around at all. He dropped me off at the entrance of the hospital and went home. The doc asked me why he wasn't there. AS IF I would have a logical answer like, "he's in jail and couldn't come," or, "he's on African safari and isn't in the city" no.. no ... none of that. He just couldn't be bothered. And once again, different day, same story.

I don't get it.
Shame on him.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


When I returned from taking Rebel for her doctor appointment, RebelTween had three boys in the house. NONE of whom were the ones she claims were involved in lifting my liquor. I took her aside and asked her what part of NO ONE is allowed in the house after school? "I called Dad" she said. And the point would be...... "dad said it was okay. OH... and I *found* your scotch. It's beside your bedroom door." And indeed... whiskey returned... seal not even broken on the bottle.

When I once again asked WHO had it and HOW she got it back, I got a very, very lame response. Apparently, she knew who had it. Hmmmm I am thinking the little RebelTween had it herself for some future event??? I told RebelTween I WOULD know who stole my booze. I WOULD tell the parents. As it was ... three dorky boys had an earful from me as I walked into the house. Perhaps a tad whacko... however, RebelTween deserves to share my pain.

As I mentioned this to spousal unit he didn't seem to get too concerned at all.
NOT. at. all.
The man needs a HUGE wake up call. I do NOT understand this complacency at all.
at. all.

Oh there will be counselling. The Teacher at school has been spoken to AND I have insisted that SU get on board to deal with RebelTween's change in attitude and behavior. He locked himself into his room and chose to not discuss it.

I am NOT done with this.

The SU thinks he did me a big favour by changing the broken lock on my bedroom door. Kind of like closing the barn door after the horse has run off. Stealing alcohol is a symptom... not a problem.

SU now knows how I stand on the separation issues. Ball is in his court and I've seen and heard nothing. There is no progress here. NOTHING at all.

No doubt as usual, I in my usual management role, am expected to take over the process.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Enough already!!!!

I am not sure how best to convey what it's like living in my home these days. I will provide the drama and see if it gets my thoughts and feelings across as well as possible.

On Saturday evening I was heading to a friend's for dinner and was told "please don't bring anything... not even wine. I have a rack full." Of course I planned to take one of the two bottles of Bellini I had in my fridge. It's a nice dessert and fewer calories than chocolate! As I was leaving - I went to the basement fridge to pick up the bottle. It was gone! AND not just the one bottle of Bellini... but BOTH bottles of Bellini and a new bottle of Ciclon that had not yet been opened.
I went ballistic...

and I mean ball-IS-tic!

Crazy, screaming, Fucking Ball-IS-tic!

I thought at first it was Rebel who took ALL my booze, but would you believe... indeed... Tweeny - now rechristened RebelTween had "friends" over who helped themselves while I was out of town.

It gets better. I had most of the gifts I received from my birthday up in my bedroom. This included all the wine and other assorted booze. My precious bottle of GlenMorangie - a very lovely, smoky single malt... GONE! This is not cheap whiskey. This is quality stuff. THAT and a bottle of Baileys DISAPPEARED!!!! Right out of my bedroom! I hope to goodness the little "fecking brats" who took my quality stuff and NOT even recognizing it as such - got good and sick on it... and I mean throwing up, alcohol poisoning kind of sick. it would serve them fecking right!

I went mental crazy nuts AGAIN!!! RebelTween was fortunate she was not in the house at the time. SpousalUnit... not so fortunate. He apparently was at home at the time of the booze snatch. Of course, in his lair with the door shut tight... didn't have a clue what was going on. The concept of "supervision" not entering his head. I pretty much slammed every door, and created a path of destruction as I headed out the door trying to calm down enough to drive. I really didn't care what the SU thought. Not a whit! he deserved anything I had to deliver! HOW does this happen when there are adults in the house??!

Those Bold Little Buggers!

I told RebelTween I want full names, addresses and phone numbers and I intend to visit each and every kid's parent who was part of the crime. I want my booze back. I don't care how it gets here. I want these boys she hangs out with to never show their precious little faces any where near my house again, and I want RebelTween to reflect and think hard while GROUNDED ( as if - with Disneyland Dad backing her) and thinking about the company she keeps. The parents of these feckless lads need to know what there precious offspring are up to.

As for the Dad?? ... total denial. he says she couldn't "control " what they were doing. hello? your 14 yr old RebelTween was drinking!!!! and I don't mean a grape knee-hi either! We have heard that RebelTween was drinking and partying while mom was out of town. And Disneyland dad wants custody? This will need to be thought out.... discussed..... and dealt with in family counselling. Can you see the big man, the disneyland dad quavering already? The thought of therapy clears a room faster than anything else I can say. And the worst of it... RebeTween.... very much like him in makeup. It scares me and worries me that her formation is coming along with him at the help these days. it has to stop.

Rebel, meanwhile, is not well. Her pneumonia is NOT improving at all. We are heading to the doctor today and I have told her no more working, no more going anywhere. She has to stay put and get better. We have a wedding out west in three weeks and she will not be going if we don't see dramatic improvement.

I leave town for four days to do what I need to do and THIS is what I have come home to.

It's enough already!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Life Blood.

I am back after a busy few days with my dad emptying his house as he moves into an apartment after nearly 50 years in this house. I worked my butt off. My brother has been amazing in trying to keep dad together and organized. I feel like the life blood forces are being sucked outta me. What's with that?

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Tweeny Trials!

I had a lovely day yesterday. UNTIL! I was scrap booking with friends all evening. The Tweeny grilled me several times about where I was going, what time was I leaving, when would I be back. HMMM something is up, I thought!

Spouse received an invitation for a party - addressed to *Mr and Mrs. Spousal Unit*. AS IF I would attend with him, but nevertheless I thought he would be going.

I asked him because it would affect how long I would be out to ensure that Tweeny was home on time. He claimed he never saw the invitation. I told him it had been sitting on the counter where the mail sits for the past week. My best guess is he must have thought it was one of *my* friends and didn't bother giving it his attention. I asked him if he was going to go and he said no it was too late. He went up to his little room, shut and locked himself in! (WTF??)

I yelled through the door (can you see the eye rolling?) that I was headed out and he should talk to Tweeny about her home time deadline.

Fast forward to midnight.
I return home and guess what???

No Tweeny.
The 14 yr old kid is not home.

I tried very hard to be calm and to ask him if he'd called anyone of her friends. NO, he doesn't know where to find the phone numbers, he doesn't know the code to the voice mail, and on and on.

Well.... I lost it - I have to admit. So, I suggested to him that both of us were being played like fools. That didn't he understand what she was doing. She knows exactly what is going on with *us*
His response...."What did you tell her? We should tell her together!"
I rolled my eyes and blasted him,
"Do you think these kids of ours are idiots? You sleep in the spare room, you don't talk to me. You don't talk to either of them for that matter, do you not THINK they know what the hell is going on here? OF COURSE they know! And they talk. Rebel is just waiting; she and Tweeny have talked about it, because one close friend of mine has already told me that her daughter and Rebel have discussed outcomes. SO WAKE UP and smell the GD coffee!!!"

His response was to leave and start driving around the neighbourhood looking for the kid as I made phone calls. Did I mention it was pouring rain for the past 3 hours too?

I finally reach the mom of kid she was out with. He's not home either.
Fast forward to 2 AM! yes..... 2 AM... spouse is upstairs. Phone rings... turns out Tweeny fell asleep at friend's place and mom didn't realize she didn't go out when the others disappeared at 10:30 PM. They left her sleeping on the couch. I sent spouse to go get her.

Clearly, if she is falling asleep at friends while watching tv - a 10 PM curfew is too late. I decide NOT to get into it with her. I am stupid with fatigue and need sleep, but of course the pounding heart takes at least another hour to calm down.

So... by 3 AM I finally feel like sleeping. I am up by 9 AM... a tad bagged out. Spouse made his appearance at 1:30 PM. Tweeny has yet to hear anything from her dad about the entire mess.

Once again, for some reason, I appear to be "at fault" as Tweeny uses the standard adolescent defense of *it's not my fault I fell asleep!"

I am heading out west to visit the parental unit who needs a lot of help packing up 50 years of living. My sibling can't be expected to take it all on.

A bit of a break for me. Blog readers out there are promising to fill me full of alcoholic beverages. A much needed break. Though my dad is wringing his hands over my impending separation.


Girls.. A couple of bottles of the *white* pinot grigio from Italy will do. And nephew is back working at the best bakery in town.... I will inform him of my need for Russian torts right outta the oven!

Physical labour at the home of my childhood, gorging on confections swilled down with any kind of plonk from a bottle will be the motto for the next 5 days.

Friday, June 01, 2007


I don't know about you.... but whatta week!
Anyone else up for something PINK?
hmm note to self...
pink martinis.....
what and how?