Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's not a new year any more

My my... it HAS been some time since I've posted ANYTHING. And how my attitude has changed. Re-reading the last couple of posts I seem to be coming to a change of direction. A new road.

While the idea and concept of "staying married for the kids" is honourable and selfless I don't believe I can do this much longer. Things that happened in the last 8 months have demonstrated to me that I can't stay married to this man and still lead the full life I need and want.

While it all went awry and certain people and events were turned inside out, the end result still proved to me, that this man, the one I've been in a relationship with for twenty three years is pretty much over. We've had months of barely talking to each other, a complete lack of interest in anything I do, and pretty much no respect for who I am as a wife, a mother, a professional, not even a scintilla of a friendship. It's done.

So perhaps this will now be the reporting of how I'm doing as I make my way through that process. I still believe I have to the warrior because I expect a battle. Perhaps he'll surprise me and suggest we do things amicably, but I have my doubts.

So... what else has been going on? The house - of course not nearly done. The "royal staircase" dubbed because he has spent more effort building, staining and playing with the stairs than he has doing anything else. Consequently, the kitchen window that faces the street that broke in March - still broken- the trim work in the bedrooms still not finished... for three years, the bathrooms... well... going on 4! sigh... I finally called our friend who is in the window business and told him to get over here. That will come out of the line of credit.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it HAS been quite a long time. I am glad you have this back up and running.

I am sorry that things are worse now than they were when we started chatting. That really bites.

Only you can determine when enough is enough.



MarieA said...

Hey Skup! glad you're here.
No please don't be sorry. I have done what I need to do... now it's time to keep moving forward as tough as that might be... it's probably best... I'll post some of the dramas I've lived in the past few months...
keep readin... I know where to find YOU! ;-)