Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Count down to Christmas

Things have been fairly quiet around here. The spousal unit is still in anger,in disgust or in denial.. or perhaps a melange of the three... or would that be menage a three?

The counsellor had a lot of questions for me. They do tend to ask rather than tell; though she also has strategies for me for coping with said melanged spouse.

The dynamics around here as well can be imagined are not great. Tweeny, is probably wondering why no one is saying anything and attempting a "normal" life. Rebel Teen angrier than a hornet and believing things will fall apart sooner than ever. She is rarely home and when she does turn up it's demands or disrespect.

I am keeping it low key til after Christmas. I really don't see any point in getting into it now even though things have been stirred up.

The spouse has told me that Rebel will not be getting her expected and requested gift. She has a number of outstanding debts ( already at age 18) including a fine from the city for some unexpected trouble she got into that caused her grief. The spouse, her dad says her gift will be payment of the fines to clear her and perhaps a couple of gift certificates but NOT what she really wants. I would have to agree with him on this. She is going to be one miserable Rebel come Christmas morn.

I would like to forgo dinner this year and take the family to one of the many dinners for the poor this year, and have them volunteer ( volun-told?) to serve so they can see what they have and what many don't. Somehow though, I think this would be seen in the wrong light given all the other crap around here.

The counsellor suggested I talk to the girls about how they feel, if/why they are angry and to acknowledge it, while insisting that Rebel in particular butt out of my business. I wouldn't mind doing this if she would just stay home long enough for the conversation. But she ain't happy with me so these conversations could take time to get to.

In the meantime, fruitcake is going in the mail. If you asked, you'll get, as long as I know where to send it. Just a taste, and perhaps enough for tea a couple of nights in a row. Careful, don't drive though.. it's about a .07 on the scale for drinking and driving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there girlie.
I am here if you need to talk.

LMAO! I am SO glad I did not have a drink in my mouth when I saw the fruitcake cartoon. THAT, my girl, is hilarious!

love ya,
~ skupper