Monday, October 06, 2008

Opinions from the galleries...

I am sharing the news about the upcoming mediation sessions with friends and family. It's good to get support and interest from those who are there beside me.

The sibling said....
Good luck with the separation. I'm no expert in this field but it's probably best to not get caught up in all of the property details and just get out and end it.
And I wouldn't spend too much time prepping the house for sale either, unless you want to add another year or two to the process. Stick a sign out front and start packing.
Easy for me to say but you're healthy, you have a career - get out and move on - Life is Good (especially if you have a good lawyer).

A good friend down east said....
as if there weren't enough misery in the world, mes condoléances, vraiment, ma chère -- think of me cheering you on from the sidelines - hoping you will be hanging tough on RSPs, pension, and house, since you have been the conscientious party in all this

The sister-in-law - the SU's sister said-
At least you can divorce him. I'm stuck with him for all the good he does! Oh and the favourite aunt says to keep the house keep the pension and not give him a penny! He wouldn't have any of it if weren't for you.

The walking partner says.
Get rid of the house and get something newer. You won't regret it.

the good friend from church said..
You won't regret giving up the house. Start fresh.

I am thinking about all of it and not making any decisions just yet.

The shredding and organizing didn't go as well as it could have this past weekend. I still have a lot to do. Perhaps while watching Chuck and Live tonight- the two must-see tv shows I enjoy - I'll get a few things shuffled around.


Anonymous said...

I was advised to sell the house so I didn't have to dance with ghosts.

I didn't. I kept the house (and refi-ed to help pay off the debt I got to keep along with it) and it worked out for me. There were a couple of tough moments cleaning out old memories.

My folks came up and helped with a post divorce purge. I highly recommend that. Someone objective, not emotionally entangled, to give the keep or lose decision. Makes the purge go so much quicker.

cool meez scene. Is that the hug before the hack? LOL

hang in there


Anonymous said...

thanks! Poor Tom Turkey doesn't realize what is about to happen here. Silly bird can't smell the cranberry sauce cooking in the kitchen! LOL

I am still fence sitting about the house. The reality check will come when I get the number crunching completed. That will no doubt help me decide.

HUGS right back! (-:

Anonymous said...

Get rid of it, get rid of it, get rid of it...

It means nothing, you want new, smaller and easier to maintain, not multilevels of well who knows what....

just my opinion of course!!!


Anonymous said...

I guess that depends on the kids as well as the finances. Some sort of stability and anchor will help them through the adjustment. Even kids that are "gone" from home. My kids were glad that I kept it. Although different, they were still coming home to visit for the holidays.

But I have to say that home is where the heart is. When my friend K opted to move into an apartment her girls said that apartment felt more like home than the house did.
