Monday, November 03, 2008

It's Beyond Saving.

The Mediator called to change our first date. Her husband has to have some surgical procedure so of course I am accommodating. She wanted us for either the day before or after the planned date, but the Rebel Junior has dance classes on both those days and one of us has to get her there and back. So now I wait for new dates. We are going into December. Oh what a joyous Christmas season this will be.

I chatted with the SIL this weekend. Sister of the SU. She asked me a couple of weeks ago if she could tell her dad about the spousal ennuie and I said it didn't matter to me. In our conversation yesterday she told me that she had told him, but not their mom - who is quite ill and doesn't need to have that stress on her. FIL told SIL that he knew something wasn't right - he could feel it. Which could explain a lot of their behavior of not wanting to visit at our place. Damn SU once again and his perceptions of his relations with his parents has caused some serious rifts all way round. And at this point SIL told her dad "Marie has done everything she could, but you know SU!" And for now, FIL agreed and left it at that. So, regardless of what SU says when he finally says it, IF he ever says it, the entire in law clan has had my story first. For whatever it's worth. I guess I do care what they think of me to some degree. More important they need to know that it was not my choice in the beginning. SU has driven this thing.

I had fully expected the SU to head home over Thanksgiving weekend because his mom is so ill. He didn't. He hasn't called them since early September either. I believe he should head home at Christmas time and spend time with her because she really doesn't have that long. She has a very bad heart condition and she is not on any transplant list I've seen this before with my grandma and she has already lived longer than my grandma. SU is very much in denial or just can't face what needs to be faced. It's not going to be good.

I said to a friend on the weekend - even if somehow he had the thunder clap moment - it's beyond saving. He's killed it. I am moving on. Or trying to.


Anonymous said...

Keep moving are on the right track...

can baby Rebel not find a drive to said dance class??? Or would she go MIA??

Either way, you will do what is right...

Take great care,



Annie said...

*sigh* Just keep movin' forward, girl. And thanks for dropping by my Facebook page! I added new pics today....


Anonymous said...

Good that they know the score but don't be surprised if your interactions with them change over time. Chickenshit's parents were all about supporting me up to a point. After that I may have well just dropped off the face of the earth along with their first grandchild and first grandson. Pathetic but true. I hope it doesn't happen that way with you but don't be surprised if it does. That whole *blood is thicker than water* thing almost always comes out.

I think we all get to a point where we just know it is beyond saving. Do you remember when I hit that point? I freaked you out on the board way back in the day. I had hit my point of enough is enough. We all do so in our own time.

You are moving on. Or trying to. And I got your back, girlfriend. You need me, you know where to find me. {often on your blog mucking it up. tee hee}

i love ya, M.
~ b

Anonymous said...

Rebel Jr is at two new dance schools - one for teen ballet to get back the basics and another one a little closer to home for jazz and lyrical. We don't know any of the parents and both schools are in industrial areas - not really conducive to safe waiting for buses in the evening.

and you're right B in laws will in the end take their son's side though I suspect SIL and I will remain friends - especially now that I realize how much of his baggage kept us from getting closer during our marriage. It really ticks me off when i think about it. However, I got my word in first - I feel fine about that - and they've heard my story. That's all I wanted.

Moving forward I go!