Friday, November 14, 2008

On My Time.

This girl is busy this week. Training at work from Wednesday to Friday. A couple of meetings after work or running errands has kept me away from the computer. Okay that and the fact that Rebel Junior claims she has home work and needs to get things done using the computer. Oddly enough though, every time I was in the kitchen I saw no sign of home work and plenty of signs for Facebook, Messenger and lime wire!

The SU keeps trying to arrange mediation dates after lunch time. I don't have time to go to these things in the middle of the work day and stated my preference for a 4 PM start. The mediator's assistance says there aren't a lot of those times left. I have told her I don't do work time sessions. I've missed enough work with Rebel Daughter that I need to stay on track for a few months and get my team back into order.

yeah yeah yeah.. priorities. Well.. frankly - a divorce has never been my priority but my marriage was. Now that the shoe has left that foot, I am not about to make it easy for the SU to get his divorce. Oh it will happen, I've no doubt about it, but he wants it - he has to play ball using my rules. On taking three hours out of my day to fight over my pension - it will get done on my time.

Going back to being busy... I am wondering if I am occupying myself to keep myself out of the house til I know SU has disappeared into his lair? Not good for Rebel Junior for me not to be around - so I am watching my behaviour on this one. SU comes home and doesn't do anything, though I've heard him say that he's been going out doing handy man jobs for other people once again. I just wish once - that these people would call me for a reference check!


Anonymous said...

I saw your post and wanted to make a comment about mediation times. I know we're all busy and trying to minimize our time away from work but be careful when selecting a time for mediation. As a mediator myself, I often see clients who want to come in for a late afternoon or early evening appointment only to watch them fade away, be disengaged and not make good decisions. It takes longer to mediate and they wind up having to revisit issues over and over again as they are burnt out.

I know it's hard but the best sessions I have are the ones first thing in the am. People are up, focused and ready to move along. I see you have a "rebel daughter" (I like that - I may borrow it) but remember - this is your future we're talking about here so do what you can to make it as productive for yourself as possible.

blondie16 said...


Joseph makes a good point. Unless you absolutely can't make any other appointment time early is better than later for the exact reasons he suggests.
When chickenshit and I mediated years ago we went first thing in the morning. I dropped the kid, picked up coffee and took my way-too-perky self to mediate.
We also only mediated for an hour at a time. I probably woulda killed him had we attempted more than that. {I only excused myself and walked out once due to his verbal abuse} I believe we had no more than 4 appointments total.

Do what you gotta do for yourself, doll but consider what Joseph has said about the timing of the mtgs.

as ever I got your back as best I can and love ya dearly.
~ blondie

word ver:sustink
SU Stink! HA!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Joseph and thank you for your point of view on mornings and mediation.
You and Blondie think alike. I however do my best work in the afternoons and start to cook about 4 PM but perhaps for this kind of work, I'll keep your thoughts in mind as I move forward.
I have never been one to sing with the early birds. Mornings have never really been my friend. I put up with mornings. I am the last to work in the morning and the last to leave too. It works.

Nonetheless both of you - your point is well taken.

Rebel... yes... she's been joined by Rebel Junior or MiniMe as her sister is now known.
Blondie.. love the WORD VER!

Anonymous said...

I concur, Marie is NOT a morning person and she is as I affectionately call her, a night crawler....

We all have ebbs and flows to our day, you know your strongest time M, stick with it, however, as Joseph pointed out, sometimes you can get stuck in a vortex of tiredness and crankiness, (of course I'm talking SU).

You will do and always have done what is best for you and the Rebels'....