Who knows what is going on with our internet access. RJ waited until Sunday evening to do homework - something which was already late and for which she had an extension. And guess what - our internet was not working. Again. I told her I was not going to sit on the help line phone with our ISP to figure it out especially since SU has a bad habit of talking at me at the same time as the help guy on the other end of the phone. So I dialed the number got to the help guy handed over the phone and went to bed. I don't know how it turned out yet. Stayed tuned, I may get the picture this evening. Thank goodness I share the keys to this castle!
SU came up to me while I was reading the paper on Saturday morning asking to do the car registration switch. This has come up before on the blog somewhere. The registration expires on May 23rd this year. Once again I informed him - "You decided to get lawyers involved in what's left of our relationship and so because I now have a lawyer that I have to pay who tells me how to deal with your needs, I have been advised not to sign anything or agree to anything until there is a signed legal agreement. Do we have such a thing? No we do not. So take your car registration papers, put them away until such time as the Barracuda okays the sign off and exchange." I turned my nose back to my paper and continued reading the Arts pages.
He was not a happy man. But when has he ever been happy?
Rebel is nearly back full force. While I tend to get frustrated and seriously annoyed - I shut up and go back 18 months. We are having conversations though about my expectations.
I have been seeing people and having conversations about separations and divorces. Ran into a guy at work - been married 30 years - caught his wife in an affair. He used the same mediator I did. He has a daughter getting married this summer. We commiserated. He has a full head of hair and is seriously a sweet guy. Three of the scrap booking girls - all used the same mediator. No wonder this woman is so booked up. Way too much mediation going on. Better than court dates I suppose.
I don't go back to see the mediator until next Monday for what I hope will be the final session based on Barracuda's requests for me. Hope we can get it done and it doesn't come back. As it is - I already have another lawyer's bill for two hours of time. What a business this is.
My church is putting together a family photo directory this June. I haven't decided if SU will be in it or not. The girls want to get matching dresses. ( odd... but okay... probably different colours) I am not keen on him being there especially since he never did come to church with me. He is the girls' dad though. I will think on this one and see what the girls want to do. It might just be a mom and daughters thing.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
I would definitely go with the mother and daughters picture. That is the way it is going to be the rest of this year and from there on out. And, like you said, it isn't like they associate seeing him with you most of the time anyway. Let the girls know that they can over ride this decision because for them, it will be the last family picture. Not reflective of the true story at the time but it does, for the moment, represent the facts.
Sadly, divorce and separation are far too common in our world.
As for my hair.... Sean Connery, Anthony Edwards, Patrick Stewart, Sean Connery, Anthony Edwards, Patrick Stewart, Sean..........
I love the response to the car issues. Um, you made this bed, now sleep in it.
Last minute homework. I am so glad I am past that. :-)
LOL Rudy... I have a huge poster in my office of Patrick Stewart produced by the American Library Association. It's in my office and I look at it every day. In the words of the Rebel - "he's hot"
I love the idea of matching dresses. Make it fun and bonding. If he is willing and the girls want, have two photos taken. That way you get your photo with just the girls.
Absolutely agree with the way you handled the car issue. I guess the poor dear didn't want to have to pay. Curiosity causes me to ask if yours is paid up for the next year. If so he should pay anyways. Or reimburse you. Fair is fair, yes?
SU. Ay Dios Mio, pobrecito. {OMG, poor thing} NOT.
Just think. You could be seriously wrapping this up next Monday!
love and hugs,
~ b
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