Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Thirteen.

13 long weekend things this weekend

2.nail fill
3.back yard - rake up - only if it doesn't rain the bedding flowers from the annual church flower sale
5. plant said flowers - only if it isn't raining
6. clear the clutter corner again ( sigh) perfect timing see 3 and 5 above.
7. brunch with friends on Monday
8. meeting with Exec Director on Treasurer's speech for conference plus BEvERages and brunch.
9. winter clothes sort out
10. hair appointment
11. 6 library books sitting by the bedside
12. conference programme organization - send info to speakers.
13. two bottles of wine in the fridge plus 4 wine coolers.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like excellent long weekend plans. Relax and enjoy.

love and hugs,
~ b

Anonymous said...

yeah but save the nail work for after the planting LOL


Lily on the Road said...

Sounds like a GREAT weekend ahead.