Sunday, September 07, 2008

Agitation - not mine

Another weekend.

SU was in a highly agitated state of passive aggresive-ness this weekend. Don't know what was eating his shorts.

I learned he really is angry about cleaning the kitchen all the time. AS IF I am caring. I did say that after my 22 years of cleaning up HIS messes all the time, I really wasn't feeling to bad about his dislike of the chores. That plus NOT working with me in getting our daughters to clean up after them. yeah... it gets a little messy in there... but I am not too concerned. SU does a great huff and puff sighing act as he washes and dries the dishes by hand to add to his inconvenienced self. WE have a brand new dishwasher..... he won't use it. WhatEvEr.

I thought my washing machine was broken. We bought it in 1992. Rebel's BF checked it out.. ran it twice.. no leaks all worked.. I have a reprieve I guess. Too bad... I really like those front end loader ones.

A friend was in town this weekend before the start of business meetings on Monday. We went out for dinner to the only Thai vegetarian place in town... and then instead of dessert we saw the new Woody Allen movie.. Vicky Christina Barcelona. Classis Woody for change... after the murder movie Match Point, I think? I was not sure what I'd see. I am waiting for the new Coen Brothers movie which opens next week. I LOVE anything created by the Coens.


Lily on the Road said...

How long is Pat in Town? I truly meant to stop by after my run yesterday but my flea brain didn't remember until I was half way home...dang...

Just think, you'll get all new appliances soon! And hopefully a gorgeous studmuffin to install them in your new home, *giggle*

Anonymous said...

funny Lilu.
I'll send you an email with Pat's info...

Rudy said...

the su is such a dork. huffing and puffing over doing the cleaning he won't make the kids do and then not using the dishwasher - epic.

I replaced my dryer last fall. It finally gave up. We bought it in 1985. Blondie says my washing machine sounds like it should have gone first LOL but it is still trucking along.