Monday, September 29, 2008

Yeah...that will work.

In the entire time we've been married the SU could never bother with the finances. Ever. If I suggested how we might do things differently or create some strategies for vacations or big ticket items, I was pretty much ignored.

Both the SU and I have health plans from work. The way they work is whoever has the earliest birthday claims the kids first and pays 80% and the second plan covers the rest. For whatever stupid stubborn reason, I've not asked the SU for the rest of the money I've been spending on Rebel's drugs. Foolish, I know, asking him for money is not something I like to do. Well, due to some stupidity on the part of my corporate credit card while I was away last week, I ended up having to pay my hotel bill on my personal card. ( do you have any idea how expensive euros are?!?!?) and my credit card is maxed as I wait for the health plan to reimburse me a few thousand as well. Well, SU had to pay one for one of Rebel's anti rejection meds at the cost of nearly $700.00 AND he had to take Rebel Junior to the orthodontist to have a new retainer made - another $250 - while I was away. He's never paid these bills before. He is on my case to hurry up and fill out the forms and get him reimbursed. What EvEr!

My initial thought was to tell him I would take as long to reimburse him as it has taken him to finish the work in the two bathrooms, bedrooms and living room. I know have leverage. In the short term. I doubt he'd comply though and with mediation coming up I am sure he'd find a way to be a bastard and use this against me somehow. He's that vindictive. But it was tempting.

So all weekend long I've heard about this money that needs to be reimbursed. Twice this morning I was reminded to take the papers in and mail them. He practically "ordered" me to get the paperwork done. yeah... that will work.


Anonymous said...

He is a bastard. If it weren't for the fact that you are fixin to mediate I would say go for making him wait.

Ordered you? LMAO! I just shake my head.

hang in there, girlfriend

~ blondie

Anonymous said...

yeah... I know... and THEN didn't I forget - not on purpose to take the damn receipts to work with me on Monday!


Anonymous said...


that was just your subconscious giving him just desserts.