Thursday, February 26, 2009

13 on Thursday

1. Lent has started. I gave up alcohol - and doing something a little different... need to get to the gym during Lent - to deal with the stress levels of work and upcoming changes at home. I think this is a positive way of looking at things and the 40 day period will get me back into the habit. Alcohol free during scrap and spa weekend. NOT a smart move, and St Patty's too.... .05 alcohol beer I guess.

2. Rebel gets her last two wisdom teeth out Friday. More prayer and good thoughts so I can get to scrap & spa for the weekend.

3. Two dogs in the house is at least one dog too many. I've never had dogs before but Rebel is going about training the puppy all wrong imho.

4. I screwed up something at work - not intentionally but I will have to deal with it. Gotta bite the bullet. Luckily I have many friends everywhere in the organization and I will get some help to smooth things over with the top dog. I hate being in the dog house.

5. I had an energy audit done of the house this week. Photo next wordless Very cool process. Lots of gov't grants to help with sealing drafts, getting new windows and finding where the problem areas are to fix things.

6. Did I mention Scrap & Spa? Sooooo looking forward to getting away. Pictures and stuff not at all organized. Tonight and tomorrow after Rebel gets her teeth done. 20 of us chattering, watching chick flicks, eating a ton, ( hello gym clothes good bye jeans with waist band!) and scrapping!

7. SU *finally* remembered to bring home RJ's report card for end of last term. It took him 2 weeks. I was not impressed. I expressed my displeasure.

8. Waiting for the mediator to finish the final draft of separation agreement before it goes to the lawyers... I owe her another $500.

9. Rebel tells me the BF found a house - They plan to move in together April 1. I roll my eyes.. Should be interesting to see how long she lasts. She is not a domestic sort and really doesn't like being hamstrung. He is a meat and potatoes where's my supper I've been working hard - kind of guy. This will be fun to watch as she continues on her independent road.

10. De-cluttering continues. I need a wife!

11. Mortgage financing near completion but I am not happy with some of the hoops I have to jump through that I've never had to jump before - "new economic climate" be damned!

12. Rebel told me that SU still likes me. whatEvEr

13. I'd like SU a whole lot better if he'd ,..... never mind... it's not worth it.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl, it will be finalized soon.

cool deal getting the grants to help with the remodel. Are they up front or after the second audit? I think my friend said she was getting them afterwards based on the improvement in the energy audit.

Re:12/13 too little too late. Nice to be on a friendly basis since RJ still needs parenting but time for him to shove off. Sounds to me like he is getting nervous about having to support himself and the kids instead of partying.

Re: 10 - back off sister LOL
I am still working on my decluttering too but am happy with a little progress here, a little progress there.

I hope the "economic climate" ie recession/depression lifts soon in the IT market so I can get a job and move. In the mean time I am trying to get training in.

If they are getting their own house does that mean your house will be dog free? In a way it is sad but they weren't your dogs, they were imposed.

Lent - I only drink a two beers a week on geek night so I am not giving that up. I am giving up late night tv and substituting it with reading spiritual books.

Have fun on your get away weekend.


Anonymous said...

re: # 10. LMAO @ both of you.

Giving up booze? Wow. I am impressed. Maybe I should serve near beer and non-alcoholic wine at the bar for the next 40 days.

You and Rebel both will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

love and hugs,
~ b

does anyone find it odd that my word ver is exess {excess}? I guess it could be seen as appropriate during the Season of Lent.

MarieA said...

yep.. I get a report from the energy audit telling me where I can gain the most efficiencies in the house. I get the work done and then have another audit - showing the differences and based on that I get back the money.
Late night tv.. that's a good one to give up...
and reading is always good... reflection.

somehow I will manage with out the booze.. I think thanks for non alcohol choices at the Manor Blondie.

Anonymous said...

How's our girl?

prayers, hugs and love.
~ b