Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I've been dealing with the mortgage broker and no surprise to me my credit rating is down somewhat because of one credit card that is a tad over spent and under paid. yeah yeah Yeah... I know. I am quite near to getting that looked after and luckily the mortgage broker has known me since we first bought our house. This guy is great. I do have a meeting with the current bank that holds my mortgage but I am not at all loyal. No point. I've yet to meet a bank that has shown me any loyalty so I will go where ever I get the best deal for the mortgage for my house.

I am running crazy at work these days too since I am short staffed and doing two jobs. It's keeping me busy. What do I do first? The front line staff, the staffing or the budget - time to talk to the guy who sets the priorities. Let him tell me since he gets paid the big bucks.

I've had a number of people ask me what my plan is for post separation. AS IF I've had to consider a plan. I believe the real question is... "so you gonna start dating?"
Along with that are the people sending me the "so now that you're separated/divorced/alone/starting a new life" type of books and articles. Well meaning I am sure. Perhaps I'll highlight a few of those as we go along.

SU has been most polite and helpful lately. Not sure why and I've decided NOT to speculate or wonder. A day at a time and just keep moving forward. As it is the mediator has informed us that she is out of the country as of Feb 16 and won't prepare the final draft of the agreement until after she returns Feb 23rd. WhatEv. I have to snicker a little - SU isn't out of the house, but it sure give him plenty of time to find what he needs. And that much closer to the end of snow shoveling season too.


Anonymous said...

Hey. At least he is around to shovel. LOL! It always helps to find a positive.

You aren't ready to date, girlfriend. These friends mean well but they are not helping. You need time to heal and regroup. And you will find someone, when you are ready, most likely when you are not even looking. There is no time-frame for any of this so take your time.

hang in there.

love, hugs and prayers.
~ b

Lily on the Road said...

yup, the Blonde is correct! No hurry,

My friends are after me (after 8 years) to get out there.

Trust me, slim pick'ns, take your time!!