Friday, February 13, 2009

The Plan is there is No Plan.

It's Friday. Thank goodness. I've had a hugely busy week at work - due to forecasting budgeting I am short staffed and trying to do two jobs. Will be glad for this to be done.

Rebel has to see the doc today for a cyst on her ovary. Poor kid- Will this ever stop and she gets to have a relatively normal healthy life. The colds keep going around too. Someone in the house sniffles and Rebel gets the whole nasty thing. The weather was balmy enough that I opened up the window in a attempt to chill the germs out of the house! She wasn't impressed.

I see there are real estate magazines lying around the house. Finally. I hope it means that SU is finally getting off his butt and doing the search.

Weekend. No plans... will use the FlyLady principles and will attack my cluttered bedroom and have it turned into a haven within a couple of weeks. That's the plan. I deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should open some pages and draw circles in highlighter for him


poor rebel, I hope she starts to feel better this weekend.


MarieA said...

ROFL!!! Now there's a thought Blondie! Hee hee ha ha