Saturday, March 14, 2009


I am so glad it's the weekend. It's been a very busy week with no end in sight at work. On the plus side... the wonder kid manager has been promoted - again - so he will be gone and I'll finally have a manager who has some experience and maturity rather than one full of arrogance and superiority. One friend is so disgusted because the wonder kid is going to become her executive manager that she decided to retire. She doesn't want to train yet another "baby-executive." On the other hand my director is gone for two weeks vacation and the wonder kid is acting for her, so I am acting for my wonder kid. It's a good gig - two weeks at three pay scales higher than my own. I'll be doing part of his job, part of mine and part of my missing team. Did I mention I was short staffed and hiring. And it is fiscal year end when all monies are spent and the budget has to be balanced.

SU is indeed leaving for Toronto to visit his friend. He's heading out on Sunday and will be gone nearly a week. So far he's not told me directly. I've heard from both girls. Rebel thinks I need to tell him he's in denial about his parents. What's the point. He truly believes the folks are "fine, just fine."

I have plans for while he is away. I'm having the estimates done on the basement reno and some of the other things with my new handy-hunk. The word around the office is he's an excellent, meticulous carpenter. Knows his stuff. That's what I want. The SU seems to think I am inept and won't be able to cope. I also have a friend whom I am going to ask to help with wall colours - SU pretty much over rode all my choices for colour so I am going to paint this man right out of my house.

I have approval for my mortgage. Still waiting to hear from the mediator. I can't do much until I have the separation agreement in hand for the bank. Then it's my mess... all mine to re do.

Rebel was in a car fender bender last week. We were in a parking lot and she was backing up the car to park it in a spot and some woman came up behind her - rounded the car around the parking lot too quickly I think and bumped us. She says Rebel bumped her and she doesn't think it's fair that no-fault insurance means she has to pay with her own deductible from her insurance policy. WhatEvEr. Rebel was mortified and worried about her license as she is just learning. At least we were not in a moving violation on a road so there really is nothing against her brand new record. The other driver was so put out that she would have to use her insurance to pay for her damage. She tried to get me to pay off-insurance which had me thinking that perhaps she'd had other accidents and was worried about her rates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are finding some time to recharge this weekend, girlfriend. Sounds like work is a zoo lately. But hey, that two weeks of big pay can't be bad, right?

I am so not surprised that SU is going to Toronto and hasn't said a word to you. His silence about his trip isn't anything new, is it but rather just more of the same?

Things are falling into place for you with the house and hopefully you will hear from the mediator this week.

I am glad that you and Miss Rebel are safe. The car is just stuff, as my Momma would say. I do agree that the woman wanting to just settle indicates she has had problems before.

Have a great Sunday!

love and hugs,
~ b