Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh. He'll Pay.

The SU turned up a day late 11 PM on Thursday as opposed to the Wednesday evening as he stated. No surprise - typical in fact. So my Handy Hunk didn't come for the planned estimate of the job. I have a plan though.

Su did turn up however, with a laptop for Rebel Junior. Why? Who knows. And as one would expect the child has been locked in her room ever since. No need to come out ever except to grab food and shower before leaving the house.

I was furious! SU didn't seem to understand my ire. (What ELSE is new!) A 15 year old girl does not need her own computer out of sight of her parents. The conversations that naturally occurred while she was sitting at the computer in the kitchen have instantly disappeared.
I suggested to SU that every parenting book, website and parental advice fora states singularly that children and teens do not need computers or televisions in their personal spaces. It's just never a good idea.
His response was "How was I to know you were getting wireless access while I was away!" That's right turn it around and make it my fault.

I got to him while both girls were out of the house and read from the draft separation agreement that states "major decisions are to be discussed in advance... blah blah blah." He looked at me and baldfaced said "a laptop is not a major decision."
I retorted by telling him that an $800 new camera would be - AND the laptop was a major purchase. Again he came back to say he didn't "buy" the laptop. Missing the point.

I told him that RJ would stay shut up in her room. We'd have no idea what she was doing, who she was talking and it just wasn't a good idea. I also reiterated my opposition to a new expensive, bigger camera. His response was she "needed" it for school to be able to take photos at school events. My response was if she "needs" it to take photos at school then the school should be supplying it for her. I was quite emphatic that RJ's disrespect and attitude of entitlement was not endearing and I would not hear of spending $800, that I did NOT approve the purchase of a new camera.

If he did go out and buy the camera there were two things he needed to keep in mind:
1 - he would be paying for it out of his own pocket - I would have zero part of this unnecessary purchase and
2 - he would have to give Rebel the Elder an equal amount of cash to spend as she saw fit. It is a matter of fairness after all. The blanched look on his face was worth the price of admission.

In the meantime, I am taking RJ's current camera to a camera shop for repairs. SU of course, has no clue what he did with the warranty, the receipt, or any of the other paperwork. He will be paying for these himself as well.


Anonymous said...

Disneyland Dad in full force again, eh? Pathetic. And of course she eats it up. Did he get her that fancy phone she wants as well?

Hard rules need to be made with that lappy for the rebel jr. If you don't want her locked up in her room computing you have to put a stop to it. Being wireless isn't a given and you can lock her computer out of the wireless. Just buy her a {short} cord and make her plug straight into the router where you can see her. It can be done, girlfriend.

Don't waste your breath trying to educate him. He already thinks he knows all.

Hang in there.
love and hugs,
~ blondie

MarieA said...

I like you're thinking Blondie...
we'll talk... My wireless is nearly there... I am more concerned about viruses etc on my new lovely red Dell than I am about anything else.
talk soon

Anonymous said...

yeah well, that red dell can be locked up too so that it won't get them from the teenagers. Brother 2 just asked brother 3 for help cuz his daughter brought a lovely virus home to roost on the family computer.

And if SU is going to be making his own little rules like he lives in his own little world then it is high time he pay for his own little piece of it and get the hell out. Then, he can't undo the rules of behaviour you have in your place. What Mom says goes. Period. What you do at dad's is his problem.

I am missing something. What did SU being home have to do with Handy Hunk's appraisal?

hang in there

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rudy!

I was waiting for that comment but I am too jaded to make it sounds as nice as you did,

WHY IS HE STILL THERE and why does he think he can make the rules?

Get him the feek OUT!!

Anonymous said...

oh, that was me!


(as if you didn't know) hehehehe

MarieA said...

Why won't he leave? I expect he's waiting for his share of the money from the house so he can go out and buy a place. Not that even see any sign of him cleaning up stuff or packing up stuff.
I am now... finally starting to get tired of it.

Handy Hunk...I don't need SU around as I walk someone else through the house who is going to be doing work. SU has a habit of taking over conversations. I am not sure it has sunk completely that it's not his house any longer. I'd rather not give him any opportunity to talk to the people I need to help me out. He's so not confrontational I don't think it's a worry, but I would rather he not be around.
I've decided to tell him I need to have someone in the house and that he just need to absent himself for a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Oh okay, I must have misread that.

Yes, I totally agree. Got some business to take care of, doesn't concern you, make yourself scarce.

I have to admit my advice is groundless. I have no experience in this matter. She left and only came back to pack up her things so she was absent during the whole process. That I think was my doing cuz during one argument she wanted to move into one of the kids old rooms and I implied something along the lines of if you are moving out of the bedroom you might was well get the hell out of the house. She actually remembered something I said!

In retrospect, I am glad I did cuz I was paying the mortgage anyway so why make life easy on her to live like a housemate and come and go when she wanted. I would rather not see that and would do the same if I had it to do over. Why torture myself when I wanted to fix things and she wanted out - so get out.

Even if he is waiting for the buy out money, it is still your place and in any disagreement, your judgment has more weight. If he doesn't like it he can leave all the earlier. Start setting up the rules and expectations now and get the girls used to it.

Hang in there, the finish line is approaching and you can start phase II (I lost weight, lowered my blood pressure, lost panic attacks and laughed a whole lot more :-)


Anonymous said...

Yes Rudy,

when I split up I "lost 230 lbs"



Anonymous said...


230 lbs of ugly fat
