Monday, March 09, 2009

It's Been an Insightful Weekend.

The SIL called to tell me that she asked the SU to come home during March break to visit his father - who is 92 and starting to fail.... he sleeps a lot, doesn't go out much lives alone while the mom in law is waiting for a long term care facility bed to open up. She is in hospital for now and is also in failing health. SU told his sister he couldn't ( wouldn't?) come because he was going to visit a friend in Toronto and to help him build a music studio during the week. And besides, he told her, he talked to his dad and the man sounded "great!" Can you see me roll my eyes? At this point if she hadn't told me about SU's plans for his week off I'd still be in the dark. And break is a week away. I hadn't planned on taking any time off but it looks like with him gone, The Rebel Junior will need at least a part time parent around.

The SU is going to have a very tough time when his parents pass..... he is so completely in denial. And worse, my SIL has total responsibility for their parents. She is exhausted and shamefully SU didn't get the cry for some respite.

SU didn't bother watching his daughter on tv Sunday during the Hospital Telethon programme. He knew when we'd be on... he "forgot" to watch. I roll my eyes again. More shame on him.

Rebel and I had a great time at the Telethon. I didn't take any pictures this time as the phones were ringing off the hook. We were on at the very end of the programme. However we will probably be on the late evening news Sunday and the morning news on Monday. They raised over 5.5 million dollars today.

I haven't heard from the mediator yet. She's back from vacation so I expect it will be soon. I received a mortgage renewal notice in the mail late last week, so I expect I'll get the house transferred before the end of the month when the current mortgage is up. If SU isn't gone by then, I'll be charging him rent and/or calling 1800GotJunk to get his crap out of the garage. I'm looking forward to having the shed removed from my back yard. SU leaves the lawn mower outside the shed all winter long. I'm surprised it still works. I have no idea what's in the shed except to say - it's ugly and has got to go.


Lily on the Road said...

TBD, in person....let me know when you have a split second...for me, maybe Thursday, depends on when you are finished work...or phone me,

why is he still there, it is March?!!!!


Anonymous said...

He is probably never going to change and his denial about his parents is his coping mechanism for sure.

Sad that he couldn't be bothered to watch the miracle that is his daughter as she worked to further the same program that gave her new life. I just shake my head.

Hang in there. You will soon have signed papers and can set a move out date for him.


Anonymous said...

So the parent who has time off is taking off and expecting the parent who is still working to provide supervision for one who has proven she needs a bit more at the moment. Hmm. Not to mention not visiting his parents. I think they should both go to visit the parents. Or at least, he should take her to help with the studio work.

I just shake my head
