Rebel passed her driving test today and is now driving my car who knows where. Apparently I will be chauffeured to work the next few days. I guess I can stand this. It is about time.
Rebel Junior turns 16 this week and tells me she is planning to get her Learner's Permit too. oy! both of them!
I have to get Rebel added to my insurance ASAP. I believe from what I've observed she's a careful driver - it's the other idiots on the road though that bare watching.
I got a legal bill yesterday. Nearly $700 for reviewing the separation agreement, talking to me about it, and sending a letter to the SU's suit and the mediator noting her concerns. What a business.
Haven't even got to the mediator's bill yet for writing the thing. What kills me is more than half of what the mediator pulls together is all boiler plate stuff with the names changed and put through the standard practice stuff. Very little is actually unique material.
And talking about money. The fund raiser that Rebel and I attended at 7:30 AM last week for the Heart Institute? It raised nearly $700,000 !!!! and counting. Impressive eh?
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
wow. When they whip out the checkbooks, they really whip out the checkbooks. That is a fantastic number for a fund raiser.
I am SO glad we got to manipulate our own boiler plate. Hang in there.
Yeah, our mediator was $200 an hour. That's a job I should have worked towards lol.
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