Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Time for me to take a break. Not from here - from home. I have two major events this month and am glad. I used to travel a fair bit for business but in changing jobs, not so much on the travel any longer to the point that my frequent flyer card has disappeared!

So off to the big city this weekend for a board meeting and a little bit of business too. Meeting business colleagues for dinner Friday evening. Saturday, after meetings, I'll be seeing friends I haven't seen in almost 15 years... Rebel Teen was only four years old last time I visited with this couple. They are musicians. Almost my age and have taken their act to the subway stations to busk, to coffee houses and the Internet. What courage... what talent!
I'm looking forward to catching up with them. They are wonderful, wonderful good people. We've known each other since we were kids.

Then in two weeks... scrap booking and spa weekend. A whole weekend creating photo albums for me and my kids. The former friend used to call my hobby "revising memories" you know - chopping heads and bodies out of photos and using revisionist history to tell the stories of the photos.... It's not quite like that at all, although if I DID have photos of him now..
he'd be cropped!

The hotel where we're staying has an outdoor hot tub. We're hoping for really cold winter weather... makes the hot tub that much more enjoyable... along with a nice sparkling chardonnay and a moon outside.. Of course hot tubbing is only done at night with alcohol when it's -15C or colder!

So a respite from the non-dynamics of the spouse. He's yet to ask about the financial forms. Odd... Perhaps he is waiting for me, as usual. Perhaps he's planning his own moves.
What EvEr!!

I'll be back between trips. No doubt the drama will continue to some degree. I just work at not engaging it any more. I am letting go the control. (sort of- it ain't easy!)

Everyone needs a break. My get away breaks are here!


Anonymous said...

he'd be cropped!
That sounds painful! *giggle*

I hope you enjoy your respite sweetie. I could use one too, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

~ blondie

Anonymous said...

I am tellin ya.. your respite will be at my party! More about that on the blog soon

cropping bodies... it does provide a certain amount of satisfaction. But one must be careful on this one, cuz once you're cropped, you can't come back! Unless you know where the negatives are..... remember negatives... those things you print pics from?? LOL
