Saturday, March 08, 2008


is International Women's Day... so as a North American - Canadian woman, I really shouldn't complain too much. I should celebrate what I do have in spite of the ennuie and even in spite of my very sick child.yes emancipation and equality means, in theory, I might have to share my pension ( rolls eyes) but let's look at the bigger picture for a minute.

I CAN do whatever I choose about the challenges in my relationship. I do NOT have to wait or beg or plead with any tribunal of men or otherwise. There is an objective rule of law here.

I do NOT have to cover my face and entire body in a horrible black coat before I leave my house. I can work and talk to anyone I choose without the permission of any man in my life. I can wear what I like without fear of someone smacking my head with a whip. My girls can get the education they want and become whoever they choose to become. They have health care that costs nothing except the contributions from my tax dollars. For this... we are now truly appreciative.

Today, while we North American women go about our lives, let's not forget that for many of our sisters elsewhere - the poorest of the poor in African countries need food,health care and education; the women saddled by rulers who use religion and oppress and rule by fear and control need to know we are aware of their challenges and are trying to pitch in and support where we can without endangering them. These are the women who need our support and help. Keep them in your thoughts today and find a way to help them. They are the women who truly deserve and need our help.

And remember.. in the words of Helen Reddy - I am woman. Hear me roar (baby!)

1 comment:

Lily on the Road said...

Right on Sister!

You would think in this day and age stoning, female circumsion and public beheadings would be done and buried....after living in some of the oppresive countries AND having to wear coverings, enter a bus from the back door and not be allowed out in public with out a male escort (for my own safety), let alone NOT being able to order my meal in a restauant (the man had to do that), I fully support how lucky we truly are.

God Bless the women who are under oppression, grant them the safety to teach their daughters that there is freedom and with the strength of those who have it, by God one day we will all be able to walk with our heads held high!