Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

How do we get rid of the snow?


Anonymous said...

seriously! No where to put the snow that has accumplated?
Try a smow melter!
I saw one at the hospital yesterday... it all looked exactly like this... tractors bringing the snow to the melters...
They should be using all this water for steam heat somewhere too!

Rudy said...

Common sight in Anchorage after a snow is trucks and trucks and trucks hauling snow.

Several of the sites they used to dump it on have become housing subdivisions. I wonder where they take it now.....

snow dragon heh I like it. It would be cool to store the water somehow and use it to wash the streets in the spring.

blondie said...

All this talk of snow and snow removal. It is just so foreign to me.

I think I will stay in my warm land.

~ b

Lily on the Road said...

yes, I with Blondie, we are all moving in with her! Silty pool and all....move over Smokster, Lily is coming!

Anonymous said...

me too ! me too!

wump! ah.. move on over everyone... get the damn cats out of here...

I'm a jumpin in to that warm bed... NO cameras allowed!

Anonymous said...

Love ME, Love MY cat!!!



Rudy said...

move over Smokster?!

He already moved over for me heh! (see blondie's mop up)

I ain't movin' over ;-)