Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wordless Wednesday.


Lily on the Road said...

very pretty, what are they?

Anonymous said...

it's the tree in the front of our house. I can never remember what it's called. But I took this out my bedroom window on the second floor leaning out on top of the flowers! They only last about a day or two.... then... spring turns to summer!

Anonymous said...

If I recall, it's a flowering crabapple....


Rudy said...

that IS pretty.

Things are just starting to get green up here (let alone flower).

Anonymous said...

this isn't the flowering crabapple Lil, it's the other tree... I think someone said an English Hawthorne or something ... I had a tree doctor come check it out after the ice storm cuz it lost a lot of branches and looked not well. But it has recovered.

We are greener than green here Rudy!