Thursday, May 01, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

13 - You say it like it's a bad thing!?
blink blink. smile.

1. Bitch!
2. I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you
3. AS IF!
4. no way. WAY!
5. fecking eejit! sounds good after 2-3 whiskey glasses of fine single malt
6. RAMB - much nicer than calling it what it is - Rat-ass-moron-bastard
7. Get the hell outta my way!
8. Bloody eejit! nicer than #5 after 2 Kilkenny pints
9. Dumb Ass
10. Jackass a smarter version than #9 but still close to #5
11. Are you KIDDING me? I mean seriously!
12. FREAK!
13. Aw sheeee-ite man!


Anonymous said...


Girl, you crack me up!

~ b

Anonymous said...

I rather like the term of endearment Jackhole lately....

LOL....As if........


Rudy said...


That is some list M.

I wonder if I can guess who it is about 2 out of 3 times :-)