Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Not my usual style - ever!

We were up at the crack of dawn today as it was Rebel's first speaking gig. She was giving her talk at a Rotary Club in the town next to ours. I was seriously impressed with her speaking and delivery skills. I am an advanced Toastmaster and I love giving presentations and speeches so watching this child of mine in action I couldn't help but revert to evaluation techniques that I've learned and use at TM meetings.

She talked about how she got sick, about what her life used to be like and what it is like now. She had a great message about organ donation for parents. Apparently - many many teens sign their donor cards on their driver's permits but if something happens, too many parents override these wishes. She had a great power point with pictures - and a great over all message. I did have the tears in my eyes when she talked about how her family stood by her. It was very well done. She has a few more gigs lined up over the Fall so will be interesting to watch as she polishes it up even more.

SU was at the gig this morning. Hard to tell what he thought. I hope he keeps it positive for the girl. Now that I think of it I may need to call her something other than *Rebel.*

I need a nap because getting up before 6 AM is
not my usual style - ever!

The girls were at the Back Street Boy concert with their cousin and a couple of good friends. Apparently the RebelJunior was texting through the entire concert and drove Rebel crazy.

RJ and her cousin left my kitchen in a mess last night before the concert. SU came in and started to clean up. I asked him '*what do you expect the girl to learn when you clean up after her all the time? Why do you do it?* It wasn't a rhetorical question, but he chose not to respond.

I roll my eyes.

I need cofffee...


Anonymous said...

Glad everything went well for Ms. New Young Adult.

I asked one of my "co-workers" if she was at His talk today for Rotary, no, unfortunately...it would have been good for him to hear her.

Hahahaha, I'm up Every Morning before 6am...best time of the day!

Rudy said...

I am only up before 6 a.m. by dire necessity. My body revolts if I do it too often.

Although I spent a large part of my married life doing just that so I could be home in the afternoon to tend the kids while they were awake and active (instead of letting them sleep in). I blame the whole early rising thing for ruining my health.


I am glad her presentation went well and I am sure it will be well polished before she is through.