August 30, 2008 by Lynn Johnston.
click it to big it
And so it ended. One more day of Lynn's famous strip and it was done on the weekend. I couldn't believe I had tears in my eyes as I read it. Well... actually I could. I cry over baby powder ads on tv so this wasn't a surprise.
Lynn Johnston told some great stories in her comic strip. Millions followed the story of the Patterson family and laughed and cried along with them.
For me, what makes this particular strip so poignant is the fact that Lynn herself went through a divorce not too long ago after a long marriage. Rather than re create those trials in her fiction family she let it all end so beautifully.
I mean, seriously.... given the issues she dealt in her stories, having John go through a serious mid life crisis, drink til he got drunk every night and hide in the garage with his trains could have been an option for her to really vent.
But she didn't.
Who knows what went on in her private life. How awful or well managed her separation and divorce really went. Did she break dishes? probably pens. Did she go out and get smashed with the girls? maybe more than once? Did she go to the Divorce Busting website or Royce's Relationship Rescue and use a tag name and go on and on and on for weeks? probably not.
What she did do was finish her fiction stories with grace and flair. That's something to be very proud of.
She still believes. Or lets the rest of us believe that in spite of it all... for better of for worse can still mean something. Grace and Flair. ...... I might be on to something... two good names for the doggies I'll have to get to replace one done with SU!
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
Oh, I didn't realise that Lynn was ending her comic strip. That is sad! I cried when her shaggy dog died in the strip....gah...
that was me....Lily...
love ya, girlfriend.
~ blondie
no sighs needed Blondie.
I marvel at someone who can still believe in the magic of the For Better Worse ideals than anything else.
It's so impressive and classy.
Better than going nutbar and whacko and breaking a set dishes on a ceramic floor, I guess LOL
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