It's pretty quite around the ennuie zone. The SU is in Toronto volunteering his services with a friend. The Rebel Junior is sleeping over night at a friend's house after having a friend stay here Sunday night. Rebel and the BF are hanging out. It's pretty nice and quiet here. Even the two dogs are quiet for a change.
Both the girls managed somehow to "misplace" or would that be lose their cell phones. War between the sisters has reconstituted itself. It was a moratorium while Rebel was sick and in hospital, but now that she's been home and stronger day by day for the last 10 months, love-hate has made a comeback. It's sisters driving each other bananas. I wanted girls... I got girls!
Rebel Junior sent a text to a friend just before getting in the car with her dad to head to to school last Friday She says she went to get her phone to send another text and didn't have it. She figures it dropped out of her pocket in the house and her older sister took the phone. Doesn't make sense to me. Rebel can annoy her sister but is usually a lot less sneaky about it.
Rebel went to use her phone and just couldn't find it. She has this new puppy who chews and takes everything. I think he got his mouth on it and it landed in some random spot. Who knows. As for RJ and her phone- it has disappeared. She thinks her older sister took it. - SIDE BAR NOTE - RJ has a very bad habit of taking things from her sister's room without permission. Rebel will sometimes pay back by helping herself to RJ's stuff. It gets ugly and I stay out of out it.
However two cell phones that need replacing at the same time is just coincidental for my liking. A day later - Sunday - Rebel found her phone. It landed in a puddle of doggy doo doo in her bedroom. Rebel refuses to use it. I don't blame her. If it gets dumped into the petzyme stuff we have for clean up of dog messes it will kill the phone. On the other hand who wants a phone next to their mouth knowing it's been sitting in doggy urine for any length of time. Rebel is quite sure her little pesky sister had the phone, and threw it back in the room into the puddle.
As for RJ's phone - mysteriously gone! This child started off on her birthday last May with a brand new phone. She didn't like it after about a month and traded it with a friend. Something happened to that phone and she traded again. I picked up a new used phone from a friend and she ended up using my old phone. It too disappeared or was traded. I managed to keep that phone for my entire contract of three years. It worked fine I liked it . Now it has disappeared. She wants the LG Neon phone for $200 plus. I laughed hysterically and told her Best Buy had phones. and not for $200! That and a simcard and she'll be good to go. She says her dad will get her a phone. We'll see.
I'll be very happy when both girls get jobs and pay for their own phones. Rebel is more than ready to get to work, but RJ seems to think she shouldn't have to work. Her father is feeding her this line as well. I find this line of thinking hard to believe. She should work and figure out money doesn't come out of a machine at the bank all that easily.
In the meantime, I am about ready for a new phone myself. I might just give Rebel Junior my new old phone and get myself a LG Neon instead! That would shatter her delusions of $200 phones. I think I deserve it just for living with this nonsense.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
Oh you do deserve it for dealing with this nonsense.
The other phone can be cleaned up without dunking it and it is more of a psychological problem than a sanitary one. An old toothbrush and not an excessive amount of cleaner so it doesn't seep inside. And repeated wiping with a lysol cleaning clothe will be fine.
As for RJ living on hand outs - if that is what dad is telling her then dad can fund it.
And OMG do those kids go through phones. I haven't used that many in all my time of having a cell phone. the first time I upgraded was because they were changing the type of service and the old one just would not work. The second time was a change in service providers (coverage swap not my choice) and got it for free with the standard contract and this last time was purely pampering on my part by getting an iPhone. All of the phones were functioning when I upgraded and in fact, my buddy Karo got my last one cuz the hinge on hers broke.
Daughter whined about her puppy chewing on her phone and I told her she was free to get whatever she wanted but I wasn't getting it for her. It still worked so live with it and take better care of it in the future.
You definitely should get the new phone if you are paying. If RJ doesn't like the hand down then she can go without. Or get her dad to buy her a new one. sheesh, it is his turn anyway isn't it?
Well, that was a bit of a rant huh?
I vote that YOU get the new phone and pass on the cast-off to the child. She obviously isn't responsible enough to have a brand new phone if she can't even keep track of her old one.
The kid went through about 4 phones with my first contract. He was 11-12 and a boy. I usually end up replacing his phone at least once but I now pay for the insurance on the thing so I don't choke at the cost. LOL! The last time I replaced it, it was still under warranty so that was quite helpful.
I pay for 4 cell's on my plan and am looking forward to this fall when the marrieds will finally get their own contract and pay their own dang cell bill. LOL!
We don't have to worry about the cats dragging cellphones off or peeing on them. We get to worry about making sure that the charger cords are concealed because these dorks will chew wire. {The girl's cat does the same damn thing} Stupid cats. Did they NOT see National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation where the cat got fried chewing on cords???
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
love and hugs,
~ b
dance a step across the floor ms meez :-)
Dmitri is getting a phone in July for his 13th birthday.
It definitely will not be a $200 phone. Good God, even my brand new phone wasn't $200!
I'm still considering texting, how much and how to block it to a certain amount so he doesn't go over.
And trust me, boys can be just as bad as girls lol
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