Monday, September 17, 2007

A Happy Girl!

Rebel is very happy. As expected, her cardiologist's main resident came up to her floor, reviewed her chart and the next thing you know things started happening. It was pretty amazing how fast things can work when the boss gets things going.

Rebel had 2.5 litres of fluid taken out of her belly. No doubt they'll run tests on it, and more blood work, and ultrasounds... but already she is feeling the difference. This can only be a good thing.

Her diuretics are going to be increased for a short time frame to see how much she can lose through her system. She was told she would probably be released "in a few days." She is thinking Wednesday.

SU visited her for a couple of hours on Sunday - took the RebelTweeny with him. Rebel sort of read him the riot act on his lack of action around the house noting the BF's interest in getting things done around the place. The BF has a list of things he'd like to do for us, and I may just put him to work given SU's lack of interest.

I am glad it's a new week. No more big meetings for a while now. I am going to be at work counting on getting some projects moved forward and doing the fun stuff.

I am expecting that next Saturday will be a serious sleep in day. Black drapes shut, no noise anywhere, and no possibility of getting up for the coffee and paper til nearly noon. This getting up at 6:30 AM EVERY day of the week... not good for a person who is not what one would call a morning person on a good day.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that they got right on her treatment. Hug her for me, please.

I think sleeping in until noon next Saturday is an excellent plan, sweets. You do indeed need your rest.

TY for updating us.

Love and Hugs to all,

~ Blondie

Rudy said...

Reb has to feel a lot better with that fluid gone. I am very happy that she is getting prompt attention.

You do indeed need your down time. It will raise heck with your immune system if you get too run down.

Glad to hear you are working on fun stuff now.

*hugs and prayers for miss Rebel*

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Rebel Girl is much better and in good hands at the hospital.....good news indeed! Please let her know that I'm sending positive engery her way, both for recovery and having the energy to deal with SU....

Much better idea to move the SU out of the house and bring in least he sounds as though he has stones, brains and brawn to get things happening!!!

haben Sie einen guten Schlaf am Samstag! Auf Wiedersehen für jetzt


Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Lily... thanks for that.
It does sound like the BF is a better deal isn't it?! LOL!!!

Shall see what I can accomplish.

Off to find a german translator...
Never knew that was one of your hidden talents!

Anonymous said...

double crack up Lily!
Indeed! I will sleep really really well!