13 miscellaneous things,
or can I use the EF word in almost every Thing?
or can I use the EF word in almost every Thing?
1.The former she-boss had the fecking gall to send me a "we're BFF" email. "Dear Marie. How ARE you? I never see you. You and the SU still divorcing? " I mean WTF??? She is up to something. She has a motive. AS IF I would respond!
2. I confess... I missed a meeting last night and didn't call the chair to tell her I wasn't coming. I was just too effing tired. I was to give a presentation. Volunteer stuff. I could feel the blood sugar levels dropping and decided it made more sense to go home then to go to yet another meeting after work.
3. Found the receipt for the shoes RT wants to return. Trouble is she returned them to the store and got a store credit. Zero patience. It's the third freakin' pair of shoes she's returned to this store. You'd think we'd get the drift by now wouldn't you.
4. I am seriously thinking of Lily's solution to my house problems. Pitch the SU bring in the BF. Got a whole lot more effing work done around here.
5. Rebel coming home today. The cardiologist has her on new diuretics. The kid says... "ma... I am like fuckin' peeing every half hour." I hafta roll my eyes before I tell her to stop being vulgar - even if she is sick!
6. The new man-boy boss is pretty good. He asks questions, dresses like a manager ( that is a shirt with a collar, sleeves and pressed trousers - BUT he really should wash the hair on a daily basis. It's longish and effin' greasy. blech. Ruins his cool,serious, geek look.
7. WHO stole ( oops! borrowed perhaps?) my brand new Makeup Forever $20 mascara. Funny how things have a bad habit of just disappearing out of the GD ffing bathroom... make up drawer. We know Rebel is not guilty, and last I heard... SU isn't using women's cosmetics...
8. Why can't people put their dishes into the dishwasher instead of hand washing them and leaving them on the counter? What's the fucking point???
9. I just remembered I took my winter boots to the shoe store to have the zippers fixed. They've been there all summer. I guess I should get them out of hock before he sells them or something. Yikes!
10. Why does it bother people that other people like to make the bed in the morning and have it all perfect for bed time?
11. Potatoes ( hash brown style) or brown basmati rice with dinner?
12. Doesn't it make more sense to get the garbage taken out or at least have ready to put by the curb the night before rather than trying to beat the garbage collectors to the curb in the morning?
13. I have my annual check up with the doc next week. He and I have become fast friends this past year. I hope I don't see him for a full year after the check up is done. Fifty-ish hormones... pre-menopausal, full-throttle, screaming, loud freakiness. I think I'd like to have a mid life crisis about now. Hope he can give me something for that!
In the 25 years I've known the SU... he has NEVER EVER had a full complete ( and I mean full complete) check up with his doctor... ever not at all. He did go one year, but never followed up on the tests the doc ordered. Again I say... WTF??? All part of his bizarre nature. Fear.
WTF is up with that she-devil-boss? Bitch! {can I say bitch on your blog? I hope so cuz I just did. Twice. heh}
I think Lily is on to something with kicking out the SU and bringing in the BF.
I am SO happy to hear that our Rebel girl is coming home today. Hugs, sweetie.
Gee. I wonder who took the Mascara??? {see blondie look pointedly at RebelTweeny.}
I make beds every morning. I prefer that my room look neat and that the bed is ready to go when I am beat and looking for rest.
I vote for Hash Brown Style over the rice.
Garbage goes out the night before. Pick up starts as early as 0600 hours. I am not getting up and dragging garbage out to the street @ 0600 hours.
I am not allowed to have a MLC. I promised my kids that I would not. I did not, however, promise them that I would not have a screaming kicky-kacky, so they best watch out.
love and hugs,
~ b
Hey if the she-devil-ex-boss is looking maybe you can send the SU her way and have him drop the trash at the curb thereby killing 3 birds with one SU.
And you would now have an extra room for the BF. Ha! Four, count 'em, four birds.
YAY! She is coming home. I have heard of that vitamin P(ee). It works well from what I am told.
Does she get to bring the cool tv remote home with her? LOL
mmmm basmati rice. Does the brown smell like popcorn when it cooks like the regular? I love basmati rice.
LOL! Ya know Blondie... BItch is totally allowed on this blog! totally!
And Rudy... girls at work said the same thing you did about the she boss. Send the SU her way... though her M.O.has been to break up the marriages before there's been a problem. From what we've heard... she's got two "kills" on record... and there are rumours of a third... She wants the SU... she can have him! LOL
Oh yeah.. Brown.. basmati... flavourful... we went with the hash browns though.
I'm glad you're with me on the beds... Blondie.Don't think the marriage thing would work otherwise. lol
BEHAVE Rudolph!
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