Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
en·nui Old French annoyance;weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM spousal boredom, annoyance I'm a wife with a husband and kids. "Should I stay or should I go?" Shouldn't I work at making it work? For the kids? It's tough. It's not what they told us in marriage class. Well it is but who'd have believed it! I'm changing focus. It's NOT worth staying for kids. How to move forward? That and Rebel Heart Matters in 2007-08 have changed focus nonetheless- it's still about the ennuie.
so if the order of these pictures is significant - you would have a "hot flash" of insight, it would make you angry, you would kill the EX in anger, then grind his sorry dead ass into bits. And serve him to a food critic who would further condemn the dish as being greatly substandard.
Hmmmm, remind me not to make you angry LOL
you're one smart dude Rudy...
At my annual check up yesterday, in discussion with the doc about my age 50ish women's issues... he told me that I can continue on my current regime of pharmaceuticals - short term - until the rest of my life is sorted out. he fears if I go off the drug regime... I could go completely NUTBAR and indeed... it could be taking whacko to a new midlife, female, hormonally unbalanced high!
Be afraid... be VERY afraid... evil grin here.
Hence Wordless Wednesday....I'm speechless....
don't worry Lily... you're safe...
The hormones seem to kick against certain levels of testosterone... among certain types of sub-species of males... the jackass gene I 've heard is the technical version.
They seem to carry a specific pheremone that we perimenopausal women sniff out... hence... the nutbar whackiness....
the rest are immune..
I think Rudy is safe... he managed to escape the jackass gene...
Blondie's ex however, needs to be afraid...
The jackass gene! I love it. It is probably close to the chickenshit gene.
I am sure Rudy will be relieved to hear that he is safe.
My X isn't worth the sniffing. Trust me. Lets leave that to the new wifey. heh heh
~ b
So, how does one study for a sniff test?
I hope I am safe. I have references! Will that help?
it's all about the estrogen levels Rudy... you won't be able to study for this one... it's part of the genetic makeup... lol
But yeah.. you're safe..... for now!
for now?!?
I am not sure I like the sound of that.
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