Wednesday, October 24, 2007

{Not So} Wordless Wednesday

Unshelved By Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum


Anonymous said...

I agree. Nothing simple about a divorce at all.

How are you doing, doll?

~ blondie

Rudy said...

I second that.

or would it more correctly be "simple does not mean easy"

How is the Reb doing?

*hugs and prayers* all around

Anonymous said...

LOL.. that's why I liked the strip!

Rebel.. oy! in a fight with the boyfriend this evening so she has gone with the girls to an old favourite haunt that she hasn't been at forever. The BF doesn't like her going to this place - the pool hall - but she knows everyone there and it's billiards league night. She can't hold a stick right now.. but she is keen to hang out.

What can I say... she wants a life and isn't letting the BF control or lead her.

Gotta like that in a daughter child!

as long s she doesn't push it... she has a whole lot of healing to do.
I am doing all right. really!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know. This strip is Called Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum. Its about people who work in a public library. Available online
copy right and all that