13 ways to say mediate.
1. interpose2. intrude
3. intervention
4. interruption
5. intercede
6. interface
7. get in the middle
8. facilitate
9. negotiate
10. meddle
11. moderate
12. barge in
13. butt in
and none of them say *legal* or *lawyer*
In fact, some say *chartered accountant,* *certified professional mediator,* or * trained negotiator*
but nothing says LAWYER!
I almost did a list of words today too. Mine were all going to be stress related. I am stressed. My children are stressing me out with this last minute crap for the wedding. My sister is stressing me out trying to be in charge. *rolling eyes* And my X...he is being nice. I don't trust him when he is being nice. He is up to something, imho.
~ b
Must be an older sister. They are always bossy. Just ask me! (-;
Ah yes... tell me about stress... indeed I get that... so..
Here you go... feel free to copy it over to the dark side..
1 pressure
2 strain
3 tension
4 exasperation
6 trouble
7 persecution
8 weight
9 load
10 anxiety
11 concern
12 worries
13 angry
HUGS I think it's time to resurrect that Fecking Irish Whiskey bottle yeah?
Why yes I believe it is time to offer that again. Stand by whilst I locate the "fecking" thing and open the bar.
~ b
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