Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tuesday Tribulations

Miss Rebel has a new front tooth. She is happy it's fixed and has her beautiful smile back. I think she's going through a depression though. She was cranky as hell yesterday and being miserable to everyone. I don't doubt that she has these moments. She told me that she can't remember what it feels like to feel good any more. I so feel for her, and there's not a lot I can do. I'd like her to see Trish again, but Trish wants her to ask for herself rather than have me make the calls, and I agree.

Rebel and RebelTweeny were close to killing each other last night. The sniping and to-ing and fro-ing between them was driving me insane. No doubt there is the normal sibling rivalry however Rebel's illness, RT's hormonal wackiness of normal teen growth is not being helped by the spousal ennuie and strife, and the normal stuff between sisters has escalated beyond normal in my opinion.

The SU didn't do anyone favours this summer by buying a new $600 camera for RT. That is the root of the current resentments. Rebel tried adding up the amount of money the SU has spent on RT it's a stupid amount of money And Rebel doesn't see any fairness and she is taking it out on the wrong person.

RT made a simple comment last night to Rebel. Rebel started lashing out and it led to a screaming match between the two that went to new heights. Rebel should have known better being the older sibling and an adult. Her behaviour was childish. RT is in that state where it's supposed to be all about her in her age 14-ness. However we are not in a normal state around here for any number of reasons. It's the resentment the older one feels towards the younger one because of her perception that her father is playing favourites. The younger one isn't appreciating her sister's situation, her fears, her depression and all that goes with a serious medical condition because she doesn't "look" sick, really. Mix in the fact that father refuse to communicate with mom on any level and hides in his lair... what are these kids to think?

This is going to take a whole lot of work to fix. A whole lot of work. And the SU - if he realizes what he's created here - isn't acknowledging a thing.


Rudy said...

Hugs M,

It seems to me that SU couldn't care less and is probably content to have bought a teammate.

I think it is impossible to have normal sib rivalry in an abnormal situation.

All the more reason to move forward and change the situation.

Hugs and prayers for all

Anonymous said...

It is horrible that the situation that SU has created is causing such a rift between sisters. I am so sorry for both girls. I pray that they will find a way to work through their problems.

Hugs to you all,
{kick the SU for me if you get the chance}

~ blondie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments.

I am thinking of short sheeting the SU's bed as well as giving him a hard kick!

yeah... I will keep moving because Rebel will consider living with the boyfriend if things don't change. And that is not really a good idea with her health. She would be taken off both our health plans because she would nolonger be considered a dependent. I've mentioned this to her and it frustrated her to no end. But she knows the deal
Now... how to short sheet a bed.... I've not done it since camp...

Anonymous said...

How To Short Sheet A Bed

Anonymous said...

There ya go sweetie. I wish I lived close enough to come help. giggle

~ blondie

Rudy said...

I am SO going to behave around you two!

Well, relatively speaking. *grin*

Anonymous said...

LMAO... both of you! LOL!
thanks Blondie... it made me spew my glass of wine today! lol!

Annie said...

Hey M...sorry I've been MIA. Normally I would chuckle at such rivalry amongst sibs, but under the circumstances it isn't as amusing. Good luck with the short sheeting!