The last few days have been a better. Meals are still kind of hit and miss. But lately there have been edible lunches and manageable suppers.
The BF brought in a box of *nutritional* Fruit Loops for days when All Bran doesn't hit the mark. And over the weekend I made Spiral Kraft Dinner (less sodium the traditional KD) to make up for some particularly nasty lunch.
The weepiness is still evident but Rebel is coming to terms with her status. Yesterday she did two laps around the ward- 240 metres in total. Both patients (the old boys and a few women) and nurses had smiles as she did the tour. She is surprised when nurses she doesn't know have an encouraging word for her. "I don't even know her," she'll say. She is still overwhelmed that they know her and and about her - even before she came up on the ward.
The docs hope to get her off the intravenous blood thinner some time this week, as "the numbers" are where they need to be. She had to have more blood, to keep her hemoglobin at the right levels, and are pretty confident that she shouldn't need too much more of that, and not too worry if she does.
I managed to get dial up Internet - Thanks much Rudy - so Rebel has been happily catching up on Facebook with her friends. it's slow... but not that bad. As long as she doesn't try watching YouTube or other videos the dial up should be okay.
The charge nurse on this ward has Rebel into Full Blown REBEL-spitfire mode. She really started off on the wrong foot with her and the girl is cutting her no slack. (That's my Rebel!) It's going to be interesting to see how things fare with her. She is pretty much the opposite of what Rebel came to know about charge nurses down on the SCICU. The nurses on the ward seem to be backing my girl on this one.
Rebel and I have been talking a lot. She discusses her dad a fair bit. It shouldn't, but it continues to amaze me that it appears that all this stuff hasn't made the SU think differently about his family. If it does, I don't see evidence of it.
The RT continues to be difficult - probably more her age than anything, and the SU continues to try and use BOTH girls as his pipeline to me. I have had a couple of conversations - or tried - about RT and her lack of contribution at home and the SU keeps turning it back to himself or to other things. It is quite trying.
I've asked him more than once to please NOT communicate things to Rebel that he wants from me, but to attempt something unique - like speaking with me directly and leaving the girl out of things. He looked at me as if I had three heads. I just shake my head. All I could do was tell Rebel that if her dad asks her to tell me something, she needs to tell him to talk to me himself. Her heart doesn't need to be dealing with her father's communications issues.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
Sigh. Hug our girl for me. I can't even imagine dealing with the range of emotions that flood through her on a daily basis. She is a very strong girl.
I LOVE that she is not taking any crap from the charge nurse and that the others on the floor have Rebel's back. Nice!
WOOT for internets! Dial-up is better than nothing. I am very happy that you were able to work it out for her.
I wish I was surprised that SU seems to show no changes concerning the way he feels about his family but I am not. It is very sad that he can't seem to figure out that he needs to man up and stop acting like a pussy. {can I say that on your blog??}
I am keeping you all in my prayers daily.
Remind Rebel to have Tink sprinkle some fairy dust around her.
love, hugs and prayers,
~ blondie
Poor Rebel, at least she can vent at Nurse Ratched, the other nurses have Rebel's back....
As for the SU, wouldn't it be perfect to grab the mike at Music from the Heart (ala, My Best Friends Wedding) and annouce that you're asking him to move out!! Drop a pre-packed bag at his feet and we will have a celebratory cocktail together!
Haaa, I can only dream......
RT, maybe she needs to start looking for a summer job! Is she old enough? Something other than babysitting....mmmm,
You are welcome M, though I am not sure what for.
I am glad to hear Rebel is getting up and about and doing better and better. The head nurse has someone other than an old fart to deal with this time. LOL.
Ha! I said "head" nurse. Can I say that here? LMAO
SU is a fucktard and a fecking eejit. Aside from that, he should definitely not be putting Rebel in the middle. That has to stop. What a dork. She definitely needs to cut him off when he starts and remind him that she needs to heal not deal with his problem of the moment.
You definitely have your hands full with RT if SU is not being a parent. I agree with Lily, a taste of the real world via a job might help. At least there will be peace in the house when she is at work LOL
As always, {{hugs}} and +prayers+
ha! word ver=uersx or u r sex LOL
Blondie, you can say ANYTHING you want on the blog...
and Lily... I LOVE the idea.... however, given it is a *family* party, probably not *quite* the right event. ( note to self... come up with an adult only event to do the fantasy deed... lol)
And Rudy... would never have occurred to me to call my cable ISP Company for Dial up access... your little push...
MUCH love back kids..
supper time... wine time.... (-:
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