Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Positive Changes

I enjoyed my girls weekend scrap booking my little heart out. There were 11 of us working away. I even have a video but I've been warned not to post it. It was a lot of fun but I have to admit that looking at pictures of Rebel and my mom from years past kind of had me a tad weepy for a bit. However, the girls kept me laughing, the food kept me in my elastic waisted faux lulu lemon knock offs and the need to crop heads off certain photos kept me going. There was a snow mobile party there as well. So if you weren't cropping heads off photos you were on a snow mobile trail. The local Tims really could have used a drive through window especially for the ski-doo-ers.

I called Rebel on the Saturday to chat for a bit and was told not to hover so much. AS IF! I've written about the *hovering problem * before. Once a mother... and all that! Reb continues to gain strength. One of the nurses from the ward was away for a week; she came back and noticed a difference in how Rebel looked and felt. All good. And we continue to wait and hope for positive changes.

SU found *no salt* that would be ZERO {0} sodium -
potato chips!
THANK YOU Miss Vicki's!
This along with wafer cake, was the treat of the week. The dietitians continue to try and provide a good room service.. it's a challenge so we supplement with mom's take out!

A few more visitors have cheered Reb up and their visits were surprises for her so that made a difference too.

Working has been good and the managers are flexible and letting me work when I need and leave to go to the hospital when I need to as well.


Anonymous said...

So glad you had a great time, that is so necessary!

Miss Vickies, well know, I'm not a big chip eater, but will give them a try.....

good to hear that work is being good to you.....catch up with you soon.


Rudy said...

good to hear that work is being good to you

Amen to that. The flexibility must be such a relief.

I am happy to hear that you had a good time.

Cutting heads off eh??? I will be sure to watch my step. :-D

{{hugs}} and ++prayers++

Anonymous said...

YAY for chips! Even better that SU actually did something for his daughter. Amazed, I am.

I am happy to hear that our girl is getting some surprise visitors. That's fun for her. And it is so nice to hear from her caregivers that she is improving noticeably. Go Rebel!

GAH! Photos. I come across them on occasion of momma. sigh. *hugs* I dunno what your mom is doing but mine is up there having a bit 'o fun with the 4 of us kids and blessing us with the exact cough she used to get every winter. {none of us have ever had it before and all of us got it this year.} We were all laughing through our coughing. :)

Fabulous that work is good to you and allowing you the flexibility that you need.

The Lord is watching out for you and your girl.

hugs, love and prayers.

~ blondie

p.s. share my wordless photo with our girl if you get the chance. She will totally appreciate the pinkness of the situation!

Calories and Coffee said...

It sounds like you had an awesome time!