Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

Love the fall collage....was that RT? I love fall and all of the wonder of its colours.

Glad you had a great time.....

much love,

Rudy said...

*sigh* I miss vivid fall colors like that. Not so much where I live. Just this sickly, yellow-pale-green. In the mountains the shrubbery gets red and orange.

and hey, if it is going to snow, might as well have snowmobiles huh?

Anonymous said...

the fall collage... all mine... my camera my pics my collage... it's the scrapbooking Lily

ANd indeed Rudy, .. I am thinking getting on the back of a snowmobile in winter could be more fun than a Harley in the summer? whattaya think?