Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

13 things I don't like to eat.
Just a little diversion from SU antics
and Rebel prayers.

1. Hospital food doesn't matter what it is... it really is unappetizing.
2. Any kind of squid... calamari is squid... no matter what you call it!
3. Lima beans.
4. Campbell's Chicken Jumbo soup disgusting-ness in a can!
5. any kind of organ meat - sweetbreads, liver with or without the onions.
6. Ox tail anything -
7. Clams (shudder).
8. Really really spicy anything of any ethnic origin.. if all I taste is heat... it's too much that goes for curries, chillies and any kind of stew thing.
9. Instant coffee - swill.
10. Instant oatmeal - sludge.
11. Bottled ceasar salad dressings of the thick white variety- a gazillion calories, high cholesterol and a wall of sodium.
12. Alfredo sauce made with flour see #10 with at least a dash of #11 stylings.
13. Jellied anything... salads, fish, molds. like swallowing congealed mucus.. Lettuce and jello do not belong together.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, what she said.

Great list, girlfriend.

hugs and prayers,
~ b

Rudy said...

Jello is fun through a straw! The X loved it when I taught the kids that... in public LMAO

I showed blondie's boy how to do that with strawberries in a Red Robin Freckled lemonade.

Hey, my inner child is 12!

How is swallowing jello different... never mind. *WEG*

Anonymous said...

mmm, I picked up on "Just a little diversion from SU antics"

what gives?

as for the list, yes, I can totally agree with some things..however, jello shooters aren't too bad, bbbbwwaaahhhaaa...

hope all is okay...

much love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

oh Lily.. same old same old... not even worth blogging about.

As for jello shots... okay... maybe... must try that some time... must admit... I never have! I don't think... except that one time in New Orleans..

and Rudy... you can be SUCH a MAN sometimes... even if you have dorky 12 year old inside...

she rolls her eyes....

Anonymous said...

Heya Cuz,

I'm guessing u know who this is...u know, the cuz a province or two away that has an affinity for the 'woo hoo' stuff in her spare time. Just wanted u to know I'd popped in for a visit and that I'm still thinking of ya. Take care and hugs to the rebel et al.

Anonymous said...

Now that is spooky! I've been thinking about the Cuz... and been wanting to phone... the time difference has me falling asleep before phone time... must get on that now... given the tug...
clearly the *woo hoo *thing is working...