Rebel finally had the CT scan in the middle of the afternoon after she was told it would be in the morning. It seems outpatients are booked up throughout the day and patients in hospital don't always get priority. Thank goodness the transplant coordinator got on the phone and talked to a few managers to make them understand that this just wasn't *any ole* CT scan.
Once that was done she had to wait for her doctor, who had been pretty busy in the operating room most of the day again.
The chief perfusionist, stuck around rather than heading home out in the boonies a good hour and a half out of the city. She accompanied Rebel into the operating room and stayed with her. No doubt they needed a perfusionist in any case, but my guess she chose to stay
The entire procedure was quick and Rebel was back in her room within an hour. All done by about 8:30 PM
By this time, after having to fast all day she was pretty hungry. the SU keeps sending all kinds of stuff to the hospital so she had an eclectic mix of snack food and a glass of milk which should get her through the night.
Hopefully she'll sleep well and over the course of the next few days she will beat off this infection and finally get rid of it.
SU and the girl's BF are both fighting off colds or flus or both. Neither of them were around today. I pretty much held down the fort. And I STILL can't get past Level 7 on Diner Dash on the DS I must have spent two idle hours playing around on that thing... what a waste of time! What else could I do though.
RT seems to be holding things all right. I was thanked for making supper twice this week... I looked around to make sure she was talking to me and not some one lse. On the other hand it would seem I am no longer *mother* but it's been noticed that I am identified her FaceBook pictures as "the birth giver" What can I say.
Me? I'm beat too. But I take echinacea all winter in two week cycles, and eat my vitamins regularly so I am hoping in spite of some lack of sleep I will not get the germs around here.
I have my wee dram of Dalwhinnie's and a book and I'll be back tomorrow or the day after with yet something else.
Pray it's positive.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
What are they looking for with the CT scan? Improved health so she can go through with the transplant? (when the infection clears of course)
Snacks probably weren't the first choice but at least she had something to get her through the night.
If the other kids are dealing with germs then they should stay away. Gah, no more preventable set backs.
I am happy to hear that RT is recognizing "the birth giver". Maybe disney dad has gathered some tarnish.
try to stay rested.
{hugs} and +prayers+
CT scan was to determine where exactly the infection was.. how deep, etc so the surgeon could go in, make an incision and ensure he could get it all out. They were concerned it was located at the VAD site and could compromise the VAD. It wasn't. It didn't.
She's doing much better today
that is grand news!
More prayers.
how is the dahlwhinnie going down?
So happy to hear our girl is doing much better today.
Continued prayers for her as well as for you and the rest of the family.
love and hugs,
~ b
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