Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Infectious Setback.

Rebel does indeed have an infection. Between the staff cardiologist, the IDC doctor (Infectious Diseases Control) the nurses and us it is being put under control. She has had a couple of courses of anti-biotics. Today she'll get some other type of anti-biotic to go through her blood system to ensure her VAD is protected and to get this thing out of her system.

Needless to say her spirits are down. The charge nurse has been rather aggressive in how she expects things to go. We are going to have to get Rebel's room sanitized somehow and all the *stuff* in her room has to be brought home or cleaned thoroughly to get rid of this thing finally.

Everyone is on top of this and it is a setback, but given everything else Rebel has been through she'll get through this too.

Our friend Bill who has had a VAD and a transplant at the beginning of February will be going home out west on Thursday - his birthday. He's been kind enough to chat with Rebel about his experiences and even though she is much younger than him, their experiences, feelings and emotions have been similar. He told me he will pop by before he leaves on Wednesday to have a chat with her. He will have to chat from the door of her room because he is immuno suppressed. But he wants to help her get back into the right frame of mind. Like Rebel, the doctors rejected at least four donors that he knows about to find him a great match. It has clearly made a difference because he is doing really well to be able to be home on his 55th birthday.

Today is a special liturgy at church as part of Holy Week. Liturgy of the Pre Santcified Gifts and the Sacrament of Healing. I hope to be there and deal with all kinds of healing of my own. Rebel can't of course, but I expect that throwing in a few prayers for her during this special liturgy can't hurt.


Anonymous said...

Sigh. Our poor girl. Give her our love.

We are still praying and will say some extras today on her behalf.

Fabulous that Bill is going home so soon and that he has been and will talk with her before he leaves. I hope that she sees the true hope that is there for her through his story and encouragement. He can give her something that none of the rest of us can. What a blessing he must be.

love, hugs and prayers to you all.

~ blondie

Anonymous said...

Love, hugs and prayers to you all, maybe one step back with two steps forward???

Hope so....


Rudy said...

Here, here! for the charge nurse tearing into BF. And Rebel too, needs to learn that the rules are there to protect her life and aid her getting a donor sooner rather than later.

I think it is super that Bill is so willing to talk her through things. It is one of those deals where you just don't understand if you haven't been through it and Bill has and very recently at that. What a blessing!

more {hugs} and +prayers+

Calories and Coffee said...

Still praying for and thinking of you guys!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are resolving Cuz - and what a blessing to have Bill spending time with her. At last someone to relate to on a level no one else can manage.
Still sending thoughts and prayers. Will check in again soon.

Much love and hugs...and woo hoo

Cuz A