Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! Were they painted by the church group?


Anonymous said...

Most of them were actually created in Winnipeg and sent to me every Easter in the mail by my mom. Most of them are all hollow inside too.

Anonymous said...

Your MOM painted those?? Wow, truly amazing and so nice to have such a lovely memory of Easter and your Mom....

Pretty fancy packing to get them from WPG to YOW without breaking....


Anonymous said...

LOL! Actually Lily, my mom was about as talented as I am when in came to writing eggs. No steadiness or artistic talent for this sort of work. She wrote the cheques to buy them and then sent them to me and my brother in the US. They costless back home than they do here by at least $15-$20 depending on the intricacy.. But yeah... I do miss my annual egg gift. My dad tried sending me a couple but oddly, it just wasn't the same. His eye isn't as good for the type I like, and he isn't as good at spotting the traditional to the contemporary art.
But they are all precious

Rudy said...

I saw the world's largest in a small town outside of Edmonton when I rode my GoldWing to Wisconsin. I don't recall the towns name at the moment but it was huge and so finely balanced that it rotated like a weather vane in the wind.

Those are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely collection, M. Treasures from your Momma.

Do your girls enjoy the eggs or is this just your thing?

~ blondie

Anonymous said...


Is there a photo of this worlds largest? If so, do share, please.
{and if I have seen it I don't recall so please share again. giggle}

~ b

Anonymous said...

Rudy said...

Yep, that is it. Isn't it fabulous?

And on the other side of the highway the local Knights of Columbus made a wayside dedicated to Our Lady of the Highway.

"Just down the road from the Rotary Peace Park is Our Lady of the Highway shrine. The statue is sculpted from Italian white marble. This statue is the only one of its kind in Canada."

I am trying to find pics. I have them from my "big ride" at home.

Anonymous said...

every good Ukrainian Canadian has made at least one pilgrimage to the Vegreville Easter egg! LOL

AS for Our Lady of the Highway... I never even knew she existed! I;ll have to see that one next time I go that way!
yet again - learned something new today!

Rudy said...
pics here near the bottom of the page

Rudy said...

Here is a close up of the statue from a different source.