I started filling out the various forms for the mediation sessions to start. I love the part where she asks - what do you anticipate the challenges to be during your mediation sessions? How about "an SU who believes he is always right and prefers to debate rather than mediate." And " SU is rude, condescending, and believes he is always right. I apparently don't have an informed opinion on most matters he believes are of interest." And I left it at that.
She sent a form that we are both to sign - and I decided I didn't like it - so I re wrote the form from all We and Us and changed to me and my and took out references to us all over the place and sent it back to her telling her - I have responded and agree and did it my way - he can do same. I don't feel the need to sign with him on this piece of paper as there is no longer a "we." Bitchy perhaps - and no lawyer likes a lay person amending their little forms but it's not a legal form it's an agreement and I agree just not in a we kind of way.
I have noticed that I seem to be hanging around with a lot of women who are divorced or separated. I can remember a friend from the Divorce Busting site who's walk away wife WAW- was part of a similar club. He had a name form them but I don't remember it. This concerns me a little as I really don't want to think of myself as a member of this particularly group. I really do want to keep seeing and hanging out with some of my married friends. I think it's a lot healthier and - I don't know - I am a tad uncomfortable being a part of this club. I have noted that the one friend I told doesn't have a right to a divorce - she has to do the work to end the marriage - hasn't called me lately. I don't think she expected to hear what I told her and figured we were both part of the club. What I am going to have to make clear is - this isn't a club of my choosing - but whatEvEr I am there. I did what I needed to do to not be in it, but it didn't go that way.
So perhaps I'll take out associate rather than full membership because the reality is - I hit on a dud of a partner and I don't hate all husbands and men, just the RAMBs who are not getting the role they took on. The club does provide me with a supportive place as I need it and I know I can be and do the same for others. But there are times when the men are nice to have around and other women's, and friends' husbands are nice guys who I do enjoy spending time with too.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
there is a club?!? who knew?
and you are SO right. not all men are RAMBs or cads or *insert favorite derogatory adjective here*
IN fact Rudy, I can even go so far as to say MOST are not RAMBS!
The Club according to this man I know is women who are not happy, hate men, and really stick together and avoid the company of men I think. Luckily my friends for the most part, are not like that, in fact I bet most of us would prefer to have a man around... most days! Whining, complaining and partying like 20 yr old girls isn't of much interest to me... or my friends!
Having a good time? Oh of course, but reliving college days.. OY! LOL
There are no clubs, this is not a game, there was no "let's get married club", this is a real life that is in total disarray.
Individual, we are all individuals, and at this age and stage of life we don't need the "club" atmosphere. Do what you need to do, hang out with whom you want and if someone falls by the wayside, so be it....true friends do not judge, "club", or walk away... not matter what happens,
get rid of the dud, and get on with life, we only have one kick at this and there is no one, NO ONE who is going to point and stare and say YOU gave up....no one. Life is just to freeking short to be unhappy, you've tried your very, very, very best. Now make YOU happy....\
Love you tons, you'll be fine.....
eXACTLY true my friend! but to defend the club thing.. I think it's more an attitude than anything. It depends on one's mind set and that I believe is thing
My mind is set. We need support and indeed - the friends are the friends regardless.
and love right back Lil darlin'
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