Friday, August 15, 2008

A Lot of General Information.

Here are a couple of good sites. These are American. I'll do my Canadianization soon enough. I like these sites because they have a lot of general information that is critical and good for starting out if you're thinking about, or going through the separation or divorce process.

Womans Divorce - a thorough smattering of most EVERYTHING you might need to know about separation, divorce, trying to get back together, your emotions, finances, THE WORKS. Great place to start - whether you're in the US or Canada.
Womans Divorce

Divorce the Jerk. Pretty self explanatory - it's a commercial for a book but for those who are dealing with jerks the owner of the site and author of the companion book has done a ton of work to help those women who are dealing with jerks, chicken shits and RAMBS! Chrstine Rowe has done a great job. Not sure I'd want to spend the $50 or so for her book. I'm investigating whether or not libraries have it and whether you can get it in hard rather than soft copy. If you read it. Let me know.
Divorce the Jerk

The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide Similar to the first one. LOTS and LOTS of great information and helpful if you're overwhelmed and don't know where to start.
Modern Womans Divorce Guide

The Sassy Pink Peppers. For those women who are on the road to recovery from divorce and separation. This is a "club" that does require a $25 annual fee. I like this group though because they make it VERY clear - it's NOT about man bashing, or husband hating - it's about women moving on and forward and learning how to be happy and comfortable with who they are and having some support getting there. I haven't paid the fee, but I am considering it because I like the idea of traveling with a bunch of girls and having a great time. Just one of their many offerings. More about this bunch when I finally get around to shelling out the money to join.
Sassy Pink Peppers

Know a great site? Let me know and I'll get it up here.
yeah... I'm talkin as if there really are people out there who might actually read this blog! LOL Hey! maybe all those runners know people who might be interested.


Anonymous said...

Annie, Good luck with your journey. I'm sending you well wishes and know you will be a stronger woman on the other side.

Thank you for sharing my website with your readers.

The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide

Rudy said...

M, looks like you got a good start on some very good sites.

I hope you find lots of good info.

Glad to hear SPP isn't into hating. That never really helps. Everyone needs to vent from time to time but "support" groups that do nothing but dwell on it aren't really support.

Will they let you in if you tell them that red is just a darker shade of pink? LOL

you are an intelligent lady. I am sure you will do things well. You are off to a good start.


Lily on the Road said...

The only good "site" I'll see is the taillights of a fully packed and loaded car backing out of your driveway!

Pick which car I mean....LOL...JK