As much as I went on and on about not wanting to be labeled as divorced or hanging out with the other divorced people I have to admit, support is support. And the more information I have going into this process - the better I believe.
I started doing some research using my favourite search engine - Clusty- and found oodles of sites - most American - for support, information and assorted other bits including electronic books written by lawyers telling me that if I buy their specific book - my divorce will just go a whole lot easier.
They call these things vanity presses for reason - e-book or not. The professional information person and evaluator of all things reference - tells me to NOT pay for anything unless I see it first. AS IF I am going to down load a book or $30US before checking out the contents.
I have found a couple of interesting sites and will have to get them to my side bar when I have some time to play, given that Blonde is have more fun packing and moving these days! (-;
We have
divorce - women support- health, kids money and get better sex
divorce- men support including fathers
divorce - humour
divorce - financial - LOTS here
divorce - laws and legislation- endless
divorce - do it yourself - most in Texas! (what's that all about)
divorce - effect on children
Most of these sites are in a couple of categories only -
Lawyers and related types like mediators, collaborative law types - looking for clients
Women who like to gather, talk and look for support
Men /fathers - mostly angry and looking for fairness
Those who hate lawyers promoting *do it yourself and screw the lawyers* content.
And the smattering of miscellaneous others - Divorce Magazine- for example - trying to figure out how to make a buck from the misery.
So perhaps over the next while I will try and kick up who reads my blog (AS IF I could compete with those runners who seem to be ALL reading and commenting on each other's blogs) by reviewing, or at least providing Canadian context to the myriad of content in this field. May as well be constructive instead of whining, continuing to be angry, or going on and on about the SU.
And today - the paperwork went to the pension valuator. A mere cost of nearly $600 so I can find out how much of my pension the law believes I should share with the SU.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
hahahah, runner's rock, it is all postive!
LOL....go gettem I always say,
Support is indeed support. And who better to support you than someone who has been there. As long as the group isn't a bunch of bitter divorced people who sit around and bitch about their X's, its all good.
*hugs* to you as you continue to figure out what your new life will be like.
love ya,
~ blondie
I agree, don't let labels be a hangup preventing you from getting info. Experience is the best teacher, especially when it is someone else's.
Just avoid the haters. We all have moments when we get angry about something the SU's did etc but some groups seem to dwell and feed on that stuff and you will want to closely evaluate just how much info from them is useful.
I don't know a lot of your history but I believe that you know what you need to do. Now you gotta get the how.
We're here for you.
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