13 things I paid for yesterday!
1. gas- $1.18 a litre - avoided the $1.16 line ups!
2. dinner with the daughters and niece.
3. Sugar Mountain for the daughters and niece
4. topped up niece's purse purchase - she ran $5 short!
5. topped up Rebel's t-shirt purchase - she ran $4 short!
6. AM & 7 Noon Coffee - Tim's decaf large hazelnut shot double milk.
8. parking downtown.
9. glasses cleaning stuff.
10. scrapbook paper.
11. professional membership dues.
12. One Bootle BOONES Sangria.
13. One bottle - Santa Margarita Pinot Grigio.
4. topped up niece's purse purchase - she ran $5 short!
5. topped up Rebel's t-shirt purchase - she ran $4 short!
what?!? they don't teach math in those schools?
LOL... no... more like "there's a sucker born every minute!"
that plus the GST has changed and gone down twice and it's not a nice easy rounding of 15% taxes any more. I think it's 13% but am not even sure about that! LOL
yeah... it's the math! LOL
Math??!!?? GAH! I hate math. I don't do math. Apparently this morning my loan guy didn't do it so well either. Thank heavens he phoned me back with a number that was about $8000 lower. sheesh. Give a girl a heart attack, why dontcha.
I notice that you finished your 13 with booze. As every good 13 should end. And speaking of booze. I think it might be drink-thirty!
~ b
Hey I didn't realise taxes went down, duh!! I just pay & pay & pay!!!
Glad you had fun nonetheless....
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