13 random things
1. wisdom teeth are not wise at all. Rebel's other two teeth have to come out. The dental surgeon who took out the first two is doing the last two. His wife was the nurse who took care of Rebel right after her transplant surgery. We've come full circle.
2. My number one right hand at work has taken a new job. It's going to take months to replace her. I'll be doing two jobs. I am going into training as of now.
3. More money from the government - a cash back of $1300 for renovations. That will pay for 1 1/2 steel doors for my house.
4. I only get the newspaper delivered on weekends. I don't have time to read it during the week. They keep giving us 6 weeks of free paper. It goes in the door to the recycle bin. I have a news feed at work and am not interested at the end of the day. I called and told them to stop giving me the paper. Why are they surprised?
5. I have no clue what to make for dinner tonight? Reservations?
6. Must pack tonight for the trip to the big city. Rebel wants me to leave my car with her and the BF. AS IF!
7. Must remember to take all my board documents with me on the trip. I haven't read anything - but have finished preparing all my own docs for the Board.
8. Get batteries for the camera. Battery charger still AWOL!
9. Why does a 50 year old woman have acne like a 16 year old. That's just wrong.
10. Am I the only person not interested in seeing the Curious Case of Benjamin Button?
11. Why is the SU surprised to learn that I have been disappointed at not getting birthday cakes and Mother Day special treatment?
12. Figure out the Itunes thingy on the cell phone. Right after I figure out the email on the cell phone.
13. Is it 5:00 PM somewhere? I am ready for a wee nip of something!