Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Just Not Pretty.

I am worrying about money these days. I had another $500 cell phone bill from the provider and I've been dealing with credit cards because I am still not working on full salary and the SU is not sharing. The cell phone provider Rogers, is dealt with. They messed up. I told them they have no more chances left. None. Any small screw up and I walk.

I've become very assertive with the girls and have told them straight up that if they need anything they need to go to their dad.

I will be living on the half the income and all the expenses. And the thing is... I have a decent income anyway and my house is not out of my range. However, I currently don't have any car payments - and will need a new car. I will be adding to what I pay for once the SU is out of the house.

It's one more thing that makes me angry when I think of what SU is doing to me and his girls. Though frankly, the girls will have two places to go for whatever they need it's just not the same.

I have another appointment with my financial divorce specialist this week to start the plan. I don't want to hear bye bye nail fills, gym membership, cell phone, PVR tv, hair colour and cuts. Ain't gonna happen!

And frankly I shouldn't complain or whine. When I think of people I know who lived on far less ending up at food banks after break ups and worse, I am in no position to whine. A change of status though, marital or financial has an impact. I am losing and the girls are losing.
It's not pretty and you don't even realize it until you get into the details.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. You are correct. It really isn't pretty. Hang in there, girlfriend.

love and hugs,
~ b

Anonymous said...

You are NOT losing!!! GAWED...

You are gaining your life back, you deserve happiness and nail fills, , PVR, etc are perks of life NOT necessities. The girls can get part time jobs to pay for some of their little perks! They ARE old enough.

Sometimes cutting back makes you appreciate the small things and yes, I HATE that saying but it is true. One less day in front of the PVR and being outside for a walk on the trails to hear nature might be a good thing. It could include walking, talking, laughing and sharing...let each express their take on the situation. BONDING....not buying

Maybe the girls need to realise a little reality of paying for their own things. (JR, is my subject of this statement, R has had enough of a reality dose to last a life time).

Buckle up, buckle down, whatever, it is and will be an adjustment.

and I wasn't going to say "trust me", but Trust ME!!! I know.

You'll be fine, and NO you are NOT losing...

okay I'll shut up now

(as if you didn't know, LOL)

MarieA said...

yep... you are the one I was thinking of most as I wrote this little whine! I figured you'd have something to say Lily!

My models are the women I know who've gone before me. I do KNOW that I am getting off easy. and better. I get that.

Anonymous said...

change is always scary even when it is for the better. I keep telling myself this.

One step at a time, keep breathing and keep your eyes open (meeting with a financial planner will be a great help).
