Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Word{less} Wednesday.


blondie16 said...

LOL! This is why I keep a few photos in reserve. {see today's wordless. an old documented injury never before seen on the interwebs.}

And yeah, why DO you allow her to borrow your stuff? And what is it with kids and losing important camera stuff? The girl has my extra camera upload cord cuz she can't find any of her THREE {or is that FOUR???} sigh.

kids. can't live with 'em and apparently our stuff can't either.

~ b

Anonymous said...

I think that is a cool picture for wordless wed.

yeah, kids, can't live with em, can't drag them behind the car.


Lily on the Road said...

Wow, that is soooo clever!

and Rudy, you made me choke on my hot chocolate!
