Saturday, March 24, 2007

Romantic Policies?

This was my horoscope yesterday:

Romance can be exhilarating and passionate if you're willing to take a chance.
It's time to speak up about your needs. If the quality of your love life isn't up to par,
you need to enforce your own romantic policies.


I have no clue what a romantic policy is never mind enforce one! Anybody have an idea?
The policies I know are the ones I have to write for work, and I use a policy writer.
Any of you write policies on the aforementioned topic?

I clearly need a hand.


Anonymous said...

Well, I have NO idea WTF this "romantic policy" is. I hope someone does.

So apparantly we BOTH need a hand with this one.


~ blondie

Calories and Coffee said...

I suppose I ought to come up with some sometime. Don't have any now.

Anonymous said...

Well, the ones that I have usually seen are,

#1, she is always right.
#2, if she is wrong, see #1....

Go figure. I hope someone has better ones than that, too!
