Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sick of Being Sick and in the Hospital

5:13am Today:

If you know Rebel you know she doesn't handle confinement very well. Being constantly out of breath and having to sloooooooooow down has been a challenge.

Being attached to a heart monitor - even a portable one on radio signals - is no fun. The IV in her hand... a pain. BOTH were removed yesterday and were cause for celebration.

It's the small things.

Hospital food - major turn off. Junk food and most fast foods - NOT allowed so as the mom, I am looking for food she likes to eat. It's not easy. I still don't understand how my kids became such picky eaters Her dad and I are NOT!

Her cardiologist is saying that she will probably be an outpatient at the Heart Institute rather than having to stay there. This is making her happy. I believe we'll know when we have our appointment with the specialist there today - Tuesday or Wednesday.

Rebel is enjoying the phone calls and visits. Keep them coming. Keep them on a positive note. Drama is not her best interest right now as she isn't going to be the "fixer," now that she has to be "fixed!"

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