Between things with Rebel calming down and me going back to work, I haven't blogged and apparently it's noticed!
The past week has been one of adjusting medications and ensuring Rebel continues to gain strength. She is sure she takes about 8 or 9 pills in the morning and then several more through the course of the day. Everything from heart pills, anti arrhythmia pills,blood pressure meds, vitamins and laxatives... all make up the cornucopia of pharmaceuticals that are helping her. And getting the balance right is the key. All in order to keep Rebel's heart stable and to build up strength.
The Heart Transplant Coordinator, and her doctor continue to see her each and every day; some of the nurses from the SCICU make a point of visiting when they can catch a moment too. Then there are the *hot* orderlies and even a couple of the cleaning staff pop by for visits. This is reassuring for me as I being back at work means I am not spending as much time at the hospital either.
The diet tech came by and interviewed Rebel about meals for this week. They are working really hard to try and ensure she has food that she likes and will eat. It's not working out too badly. She is actually eating most of the meals they've been bringing her this week and that is good. We do keep bringing her some outside food though because variety is still necessary and really - as much as they are trying... it ain't room service at the Westin! It's still pretty institutional.
I debated whether or not to go away for the annual Scrap & Spa weekend, but I will only miss our Saturday visit and I am just an hour out of town. A little R&R at this point seems to be indicated. Rebel has given me the OKAY to take off. So off I will go and therefore I don't expect to blog again until Sunday. The SU doesn't have much to say on the subject. Rebel gets frustrated when he visits - she finds he talks too much. He also doesn't treat the BF very well and this ticks off our girl. We've chatted about it and I have the honour of having to tell SU to straighten out his act. A story for another blog post though. In the meantime, I've suggested he spend at least a few hours on Saturday afternoon with her. That is if he can get himself out of bed before 1 PM - his norm for Saturdays.
Did I mention I've lost my cell phone? One minute it was in the pocket of coat when I turned it off going into the hospital, and the next... disappeared! sigh... To "take advantage of the lost/stolen programme" or *upgrade* my phone will set me back a mere $100! sigh... I know I have at least one old phone around here somewhere. In the meantime, I'll be using Rebel's phone this weekend since she can't have it in the hospital anyway.
We're coping though and continuing to be thankful for prayers and good thoughts and energy. It does make a difference and gives the rest of us strength too.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
Go and enjoy yourself, a change is as good as a rest...a well deserved change AND rest I might add.
Have fun, talk a lot, sleep a little, have a few for me!
Talk with you on your return.
Much love and hugs,
pllz, part of the word ver....pllz have a good time!
Have a great time, you deserve some royal treatment. The rest with be a great mental break for you.
See you on the flip side.
Absolutely! take care of yourself M.
I think the timing couldn't be better. Things are going well for Rebel and your being back at work has demonstrated that she is in very capable hands. (Yeah, SU might show up too)
I think going from being at the hospital a lot to this weekend would have been too tough to do. Going from working, should be better. And, Rebel knows you need to recharge your batteries.
You will have more to talk about when you get back on Sunday.
Try to relax and enjoy the change of pace.
as always, {{hugs}} and +prayers+
Hey M,
how was the get-a-way? Did you chillax and recover a bit?
How is the girl? Did she have to put dad in his place or did he finally listen to you? I know, that made me laugh too.
LMAO!!! word ver = ppokngo
woo hoo hoo, hee hee hee, ha ha ha
Let us know how your weekend away was, hope you had a great time and didn't think about what was going on at home too much, (but I know you were),
We had a great time... more about that later today I hope...
thanks friends
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